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(👆relatable as choclate 🥲)

Lucas called the brunette maid who was doing the dishes.

"Yes sir.." Lillian wiped her hands on her apron and walked towards Lucas.

"Please sit here.."
The ravenette gestured to the chair infront of him.

The brunette followed his order and sat on the chair.

"What is lord?"
Lillian asked confused tilting her head.

"I have been wondering it for sometime...."
"Athanasia's past....."
He spoke his legs crossed while his hands were on the table his other hand supporting his face.

"T-the young miss didn't like to talk about it"
Panic was written on her face as she averted her gaze from his burning red eyes.

"That's why I'm asking you"


"Just tell me"

Lily sat there in silence for sometime until finally her mouth opened to spill the tea.

(I sometimes think why I'm writing it...)

"The lady's... mother"
"Died on the day she was born because of pregnancy complications.."

"Her father his majesty loved the lady's mother very much...."

"Because of that he neglected the lady whom took his lover's life.."

"She had an isolated childhood with only maids around her.."

"She somehow one day led by banquet lights head to the emperor's garden and...met his majesty there..."

"I could say she was mesmerized by him she wanted his love so she worked hard in everything she can get her hands on.."

"Just to hear a praise from him....."

Lucas noticed how Lily's hands trembled with a annoyed look on her face.

"Till her fourteenth birthday she worked really hard to win him over but his majesty didn't even glanced at her and only neglected her..."

"On the banquet held for her fourteenth birthday princess Jeanette was introduced shredding her only dream"

"The princess soon won his majesty's love which was the only thing lady Athanasia wanted..."

"After that she....."

Lily hesitated before continuing her sentence.

"Was accused of poisoning princess Jeanette for...the throne"

Tears began to form in her eyes...

"The lady spent 6 months In that dark prison locked up with gaurds and even the emperor cursing her..."

"She spent nights without eating food...she slept on the cold hard floor all by herself with no one by her side...."

Lucas passed a tissue to the maid who was on the verge of bursting into tears...

He himself was not able to control the anger forming inside him but he avoided it inorder to know the end....

"By the help of sir Felix we saved the princess from getting excuted..."

"But after those events the lady still tried to hope that her father would love her someday..."

"Princess Jeannette after the poisoning incident started to despise the princess...."

"When lord Ijekial started harassing the lady....... princess Jeanette got jealous and started b-bullying her with her other friends......"

The brunnete wiped her tears and continued..

THE SACRIFICIAL BRIDE(Lucathy)Where stories live. Discover now