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Athanasia and Lucas were sitting in a room looking like a office of someone which it was.

Claude was sitting in the emperor's office with Lucas and Athanasia sitting infront of them.

He was looking at the both of them with a bored and uninterested expression while Lucas was doing vice-versa.

"So you've decided.." he spoked coldly looking at Lucas excepting him to give a answer.

Cause for the emperor the pathetic blonde could not do anything also she had no other choice.

"Your majesty.."
The familiar and irritating voice reached his ears as his head turned towards the other person in the room.

He was shocked seeing the new figure infront of him.
The girl who always followed him and clinged to him was now looking at him with disgusted and cold eyes like he was something insufferable for her to look.

He felt like the pitiful girl he saw fading away.....

"We are going to marry..." Athanasia spoke looking coldly at the emperor who she thought of as a Father before.

"Oh! Finally I can get rid of you wench!" Claude spatted giving a intense glare at the blonde hoping for her to flinch and put her head down.

But to the Emperor's surprise and displeasure the princess glared back at him and spoke-
"I would appreciate if his majesty would mind his tongue"

"What did you said you-"


In the middle of there intense glaring a certain someone was busy chewing his cookies while enjoying the drama.

Athanasia turned to Lucas with a hopeless and annoyed look on her face as her hands came in contact with her forehead.

"What I'm just getting energy!" Lucas complained at the look Athanasia was giving after finishing his cookie.

"For god's sake!"
"We are having something important here!!" Athanasia screamed on top of her lungs clearly annoyed by life.

"Yes yes!" Lucas rolled his eyes as another cookie appeared in his hands and he started munching on it again.

"You..." Athanasia clenched her fists hovering in air as it landed on Lucas' head giving him a hard smack.

"" he cursed holding his forehead.

"Focus or you'll get one more.." Athanasia glared at him threatening him as a cold ran down Lucas' spine.

"W-whatever!" He turned away hesitantly as the cookie in his hand disappeared.
Ofcourse he knew if he pushed her more he can die.......

"I'm sorry on his behalf you majesty!"
Athanasia bowed her head a little in a gesture of apologizing.

"We have decided to get married"
"So you should prepare soon"
"It won't even matter you don't prepare though...."
Athanasia hurriedly finished her sentence wanting to get away from the emperor quickly.

"... fine"
"Tommorow is going to be your wedding"
"So be ready"
"Princess Athanasia"

After saying this Lucas and Athanasia got permission to go away but before going Athanasia wanted to clear something.

"What about my maid Lillian York?"
Athanasia asked her arms crossed.

"We'll give her to you after your marriage" Claude replied.

"I want to have her with me in the marriage"
Athanasia replied back maintaining her position.

"Fine but she will be with gaurds gaurding her incase you don't run away again" Claude narrowed his eyes at Athanasia on which she didn't budged.

THE SACRIFICIAL BRIDE(Lucathy)Where stories live. Discover now