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The pages of the books were flipped by the red-eyed girl.

"To know it with more correctly..."
"You have to look through the history of Therianthropes..."
As her hands stopped when she reached a certain page at which the heading 'Therianthropy' in large and bold words.

"You mean the humans who were able to turn into animals...."
As the little ravennete nodded her head then turning to look at him to receive a face which showed interest.

"Didn't they extinct a few centuries ago?"
He raised one of his bro.

"Yes they did...but for only you humans..."

"What do you mean by for only us...?"
The ravenette asked snatching the book from the little girl's hands.

"Hey! Give me that back"
She shouted trying to grab the book though she was too short.

"Shut up rat and tell me more..."
His eyes were glued on the Book as he fanned his hands in a motion for her to continue.

"You are a big jerk..."
The little one mumbled sighing.

" starts from few centuries ago..."

"When humans started to hunt for Therianthropes...."

"We all hid in a place where nobody can come especially humans"

"After so many years we lived happily at that place until some humans didn't came there and started to massacre us..."
"After that only few of us were left and one of them mother..."

"I was trained to become the leader of the few left Therianthropes...but..."

A sour expression formed on her face as she continued.

"My father I had to lead our group now even though...I was a kid..."

"One day when we were hibernating a human with jewelled eyes like athy suddenly attacked at us...."

"He... killed my m-mother and a-all my people..."

Scarlet tried to hold back her tears though she was a kid....not that strong...

"A-all of them died protecting me....cause..I was there hope....they said I would save all the Therianthropes..."

She wiped the tears from her sleeve and continued.

"I ran away and saved myself from that man..though it looked like he was after me only..."

"After running away I changed myself into a butterfly then met athy...but when you used your mana on me..."

"Maybe my body absorbed it changing my appearance like it's owner..."

"I was not even able to turn into my butterfly form after was the only way for me to survive..."


The little ravennete looked down at the floor.

The older ravennete heaved a sigh before patting the younger's head.

"Listen here little rat!"
"I will let you stay with my whatever you said you was.."
"I will also protect you..."
"But don't try to make me and sia fight!"
Saying this he glanced at the little ravennete.

"Can...I really stay here?"
"And you will.... protect me..."
Scarlet looked at him wide-eyes not believing his words.

"Yeah I don't like repeating my words so listen carefully this time"
"I will let you stay with us and also I will protect you but..."
"Don't come between me and athy.."
He waved his hand before turning to leave.

But before he could leave the little ravennete tackled him with a hug from behind.

"Thank you! Brother!"
As she rubbed her face at his clothes with a bright smile.

"Yeah yeah whatever..."
Patting her head a little Lucas vanished though the little girl didn't saw a little smile on his face.


Teleporting back to his and Athanasia's room the ravenette sighed tired by all the stuff.

'I never thought that rat went through this much..'
'I'm just allowing her here because sia seems to like her...'

His thoughts were interupted by the voice of his beloved.

" came back..."
The blonde mumbled peeking her head out from the blanket.

"Oh! You're still awake..."
The ravenette turned his head towards the bed to find the blonde with puffy eyes.

"Did you...cried?"
He walked towards her with a worried face then cupped her cheeks.

"I... didn't.."
The blonde averted her eyes towards the side.

"Don't lie.. you're not even looking at me..."
He softly spoke.

"Why did you cried?"

"I'm sorry Lucas..."
Athanasia looked down.

"I shouldn't have shouted at you..."
"I..I thought you left me..."
Tears formed by the side of her jewelled eyes as she looked at him.

"Are you crazy...I won't leave you..."
He wiped the tear drop from his thumb before kissing her forehead.

"Don't ever try to think like this"
His tone was like he was scolding through it was still soft.

"Hmm...I won't.."
"I'm sorry..."
Her hands wrapped around him making him a little shocked though he did the same afterwards.

Both of them were now in each other's was there comfort place.

"Athanasia...I won't mind scarlet living here..."
He whispered softly at which a cheerful smile formed on Athanasia's face.

"Thank you Lucas!"
"I love you soo much!"
Athanasia kissed him on the lips before pulling out and giving a bright smile.

"I love you much more..."

The ravenette kissed the blonde's lips as they both shared it passionately.



How was it?

I updated too fast(ㆁωㆁ)

I don't know what I'm writting cause I'm dead inside so don't ask...
Cold made my mind dumb I'm even shivering while writting thisಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ

It's been some while since I wrote fluff....I was too obsessed with angst for sometime (I still am)

Well it was quite cheesy as I didn't planned to write it though next time it would be much more great!

Of well!
Love you all ❣️💕
Apple out~

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