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The blonde ran upstairs not caring how more stairs were left or not caring about her surroundings just wanting to run away from everything.

Tears not stopping to fall from her jewelled orbs,not thinking about anything or anyone,she reached the tower's top and got inside her room and closed the door.

Finally she stopped running and fell on her knees trembling
"I don't want to be alone..."
"I don't wanna cry again.."

All the horrible memories she never wanted to remember came rushing to her.

You wench!

What a slut!

As expected of a commoner dancer's blood!!

She only cares for power!

What a attention seeker!!

The harsh words those people spatted at her without knowing how has she been living till now.....

I pained her heart that nobody was beside her to support her.....

Will no one ever love her...?
Will she never be loved?

Questions flooded the blonde's mind as she hugged her legs crying on the cold floor alone.....


She felt a hand on her shoulder....

Just the voice of the man could comfort the blonde easily....

The soft sobs of the blonde stopped she finally looked up and saw a pair of ruby eyes staring at her calmly.

"Don't...cry..." The two words were capable to make her burst into tears again.

Athanasia buried her face into his chest much to his surprise as he flinched a little.
But then came back and he also wrapped his arms around Athanasia letting her cry more and trying to comfort her.....

Athanasia continued to cry until there were no more tears left in her jewels...

All her frustration went away along with her tears as she hugged the raven haired man...

She made sure this would be the last day she will cry for them...

She wanted a new life...

Away from everything...

She wanted her new self......

And for it...

She had to choose...

The blonde spoke her voice a little rash from all the crying.

The raven head just hummed.

"Let's gat married..." She finally spoke the words in her mind.

Lucas was dumbfounded as his hands around Athanasia's shoulder fell.

"A-Are you sure?"
He stuttered still trying to process what just happened.

Athanasia nodded her head with a determined look on her face "I am sure!"
"Let's get married!" She said her eyes locked into his.

"B-but-" Lucas spoke but Athanasia cut it "please..."
She stood infront of Lucas and made him stand too, then she finally sat on her one knee and looked up at Lucas' confused face.

She extended her right hand infront of Lucas and spoke
"Lucas the legendary black tower magician"
"Will you marry me.."

Lucas stood there still dumbfounded as Athanasia was sitting on her knees infront of him waiting for his reply....

He didn't mind being with her....


Isn't it too....soon....

"If you don't mind I can just destroy that damned empire and kill that emperor.."

"You don't have to force yourself"
Lucas tried to convince her, it's not like he didn't wanted to marry her but he thought that Athanasia said all of this in pressure just to save Lily.......

He didn't wanted that.....

Much to his surprise Athanasia looked annoyed and angry...

She stood and held Lucas' collor making them realllllyyyyy close to each other.

"She's really close..."
A blush crept to Lucas' cheeks as he noticed how close they were.

"Lucas!" She yelled making Lucas flinch he never saw her behaving like this.

"M.A.R.R.Y....M.E.!!!" Athanasia this time shouted more loudly her face determined and cold looking into his ruby eyes.

"O...kay...." Lucas finally gave up realising hoe determined and stubborn Athanasia was just......

"I don't regret it later...." Saying this the raven haired man freed his collor from Athanasia's hand and looked away.

"I won't...."
"It's my own decision.."

"I want to marry you... Lucas" Athanasia slowly spoke.

Side stuff....
(I know you guys know it but just for more words...)

Everytime Athanasia said that she wanted to marry Lucas.

His heart always skipped a beat 💕💞💘


So shooorrrt!!!

I'm being demotivated from all the angst I'm reading!!
I want fluff!!!!

I'm craving for it (〒﹏〒)

Please write some fluff you all angsty humans!!!

Also I can't help but always make this more dramatic like now this fanfic feels real cringe!!!

My writer's block is not gone yet!!!!


Bye guys
Love you all ❣️💞
Apple out~

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