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A brown haired woman with green eyes jumped on the blonde.

"I missed youuuuu"
The brunette was sobbing hugging the blonde.

"I missed you too Helly!!"
Athanasia hugged the brunette back and sobbed along with her.

Helena iraine was her first and only best friend.
So let's take a look at there first meeting humans.

It was a banquet held on the emperor's birthday.

Athanasia attended that banquet to wish her father but was straight up rejected by him.

After the emperor humiliated the princess she went to the corner blending into the crowd of side characters like always allowing the two main characters shine.

Which were obviously Jeanette and Claude.

She was always like a spectator watching the main characters from afar.

Jeanette was just like a portagonist of the novels she reads.
She could easily melt anyone's heart unlike Athanasia.

She saw how Jeanette was dancing with her fiance Ijekial...
They looked like a couple which came straight out of a fairytale.

When Athanasia was in her thoughts she suddenly felt someone tugging on her gown.

As Athanasia tuned her eyes landed on a girl her age fidgeting her fingers with a small blush on her face.

"Miss?" Athanasia spoke as nicely and politely as she could.

"Ah!" The lady gasped as Athanasia talked to her and started to stutter "I-I'm sorry"
"I-i for got to introduce myself" she stuttered giving a 180° bow and introducing herself.

"I- I am Helena iraine!" She said still flustered.

Athanasia chuckled seeing the lady infront of her behaving like this.

The brunette was astonished looking at the princess she admired how beautiful the blonde was while smiling.

After that she told the princess that she admired her and liked for really long.
As finally both the ladies end up becoming best friends.

Flashback ends

"Are you happy about this marriage!"
"We can run away together if you want to!" The brunette looked at the blonde worriedly.

"Calm down Helly"
"I like him" Athanasia said as she blushed a little.

"But-" Helena was going to complain but stopped when Athy put a finger on her lips.

"Shh....." Her other finger was on her lips gesturing Helena to stop saying.

"Thanks for worrying.."
"But I am sure I will be fine" she gave Helena a genuine smile as the Brunette finally gave up.

"I just don't want to see you suffer again" Helly spoke looking away from the blonde as she remembered there past.

Athanasia just smiled and hugged Helena who was just like a sister to the blonde.

"Thank you.."
She whispered softly as Helena hugged her back.

Soon they parted as Athanasia and Helena both smiled at each other.

"Have you told him about that" Helena casually asked at which Athanasia shook her head in a no.

"Yes!" she said looking away still smiling.

Helena also didn't dig inside.

"Now go and let me get ready for the marriage!" Athanasia pushed Helena out of the door and shouted.

THE SACRIFICIAL BRIDE(Lucathy)Where stories live. Discover now