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It's been few days since the rise of the former emperor....

Day by day the nobles are slowly turning to his side meanwhile the few who are loyal are left...

I still didn't bothered seeing Claude who is still in a coma...

Meanwhile jenneate is in the prison and her execution is still not decided...

"Are you ready..."
Lucas asked while his hand gave warmth to me...

I replied as we both took our steps together slowly in the court....

Today...we were going in the court as the judges will decide who will get the throne...

Me or anastacius....

"We have taken our decision..."
"After so much time of debating over it..."

My heart felt like bursting by how fast it was beating while my hands clenched the handle of my seat...

"We have decided that each participant must get a chance to prove themselves..."

Whisper of several nobles filled the court...

The decision of the judges shocked me and lucas both...

"We have thought about it because both of our participants have some plus and minus points..."
One of them who looked quite a looker with his silver blue hair and orange eyes started explaining....

Like it was magic everyone melted as he spoke his words....

So mature...

So perfect....

"As you can see we all are aware of how the former emperor ruled before..."
"Meanwhile we all have heard of the princess' several achievements in different perfectly for a ruler..."

"Though on the other side the former emperor is more matured than the princess....we also should give the emperor a second chance...but we can't just trust him like this so we have chosen to build several tests which would determine the next ruler of our glorious empire..."

As the man's speech ended everyone clapped agreeing from the decision...

"As for princess jenneate...."

Once again the court was filled with silence...

All were curious about it....

Even I.....

About the fate of the lovely princess....

"It's our first test..."
"I ask lady Athanasia and sir anastacius..."

"What do you think we should do to princess Jeanette?"

The silver blue haired man looked at me with a smile.

It seems....

Now the tables have turned....

The fate of the Lovely princess was now in the hands of the pitiful princess...

How ironic....

"We should execute her"
Anastacius answered bluntly while smirking which looked like he was sure he is right...

Though I didn't felt right about it....

"I politely reject sir anastacius' decision..."
I spoke gently while standing up from my seat...

Everyone one looking at me for a reply even Lucas...

He seems interested in a meeting for the first time...

"I think that we should give the princess a chance..."
"We should investigate the matter of the poisoning of the emperor first before blindly taking any decision..."

THE SACRIFICIAL BRIDE(Lucathy)Where stories live. Discover now