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Another day came by as the two couples in bed woke up.

The first one to wake up was the blonde who took the opportunity to admire her husband's face.

"Last night he didn't let me sleep.."
She thought remembering there activities last night as her face glowed bright red.

She looked at her husband and thought 'what a sight to see every morning'

Her finger caressed the sleeping man's face.

From his straight raven hair to his eyes then the mole under his eye then his sharp nose to his soft pink lips.

'how pretty...'

She was clearly mesmerized by the man's beauty well anyone would be.

Athanasia got off her bed and walked inside the washroom to change.

She took a relaxing shower than came out of her bath opening her closet to choose a dress to wear.

As usual it's full...

Athanasia choose a simple blue dress and wore it.

(I am not good with fashion!!)

Then she walked out of her room after confirming that Lucas was still sleeping.

"Good morning lily!"
The blonde greeted her dear maid cheerfully.

"Good morning miss!" The maid also greeted her daughter like master.

"I kept the letters which came to you on the table" Lily informed the girl as she heard a great sigh.

Athanasia asked walking towards the table at which the letters were kept and taking a seat.

She looked at the bundle of letters in front of her as another sigh escaped her lips.

"I have to reply to all of them again...."

Ever since she married Lucas various people wanted to coax her cause if they get towards her they can take the favour of the powerful black tower magician.
Well unfortunately they thought that they can easily take the 'poor abandoned princess' on there side but contrary the princess is really cocky.

Athanasia started replying to all the letters she got until her eyes layed on a letter with a special mark on it.

A golden crown on a blue jewel....

The mark of the imperial family......

She knew it would come as now she officially had the title of being the wife of a important person in obelia.

So she had to go to the emperor for some affairs as Lucas would already be busy with his tower work.
The former woman who did it was the wife of the former black tower magician but after the magician's wife died due to pregnancy also there child came dead..he did suicide.

It was a trending matter in high society so Athanasia heard it from somewhere anyways.

Now it is her duty.....

Athanasia opened the letter carefully to go through the components in it.

Wife of black tower wizard

You are requested by the emperor to visit.
It is to deal with the affairs of drying crop and a incurable disease.
If you can we request you bring the magician too.

Athanasia let out a tired sigh not noticing the presence of a raven haired man coming out of her room.

"What is it?" The ravenette asked earning the attention of the blonde.

Athanasia turned towards Lucas and saw him fully happy and energetic.

"From where does he get his stamina!"
"I am still exhausted!!"

Lucas observed the letter in Athanasia's hand and saw the imperial mark.

"Is it from him?" Lucas asked.

"Yeah.." Athanasia answered to him.

"Oh! Are you free?" Athanasia wanted to go towards the emperor with Lucas as it would be easy for the meeting.

"Why? Wanna go on another date?"
A smirk was plastered on the man's face as he talked.

"No! Idiot!" Athanasia said looking at the raven haired man annoyed and a little embarassed too.

"Then what?" Lucas this time looked serious.

"The emperor asked for my presence also he said that it would be convenient if you were also present there" Athanasia explained as Lucas just nodded.

"I don't care about them.."
"But what do you prefer..."
The ravenette asked looking straight inside his lover's eyes.

"I would like you to come too..."
"By that it would be easier for the meeting"
Athanasia also didn't hesitated and looked at him.

"Fine..." A smile formed on the man's face as he hugged the blonde.

"Stop..." Athanasia can't help but blush at her husband.

"You know I can't" Lucas snuggled in the curl of Athanasia's shoulder making her feel ticklish.

Her face now looked like a Fresh tomato wich could be eaten raw ofcourse by our handsome wizard.

(Me after writing this text: 🙂😀😃😄😁😆😏)

"Ahem-" the brunnete maid coughed a little to grab the attention of the two lovely couple's.

Athanasia recognised the presence of her maid then hit on Lucas' stomach to free herself from his grasp.

The man winced because of the blonde's hit.

"I prepared the breakfast sir magician and my lady!" Lily ignored the ravenette's pain and served there food on the table.


Wasn't it a normal day at the isolated black tower?


How was it?

Yeah athy's gonna go to Claude soon...?

Well I don't have much to talk
Love you all ❣️💞

Apple out~

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