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I stomped out of the room leaving Lucas still standing inside.

'he is really annoying!"
"But somehow I can't hate him..."

I stopped in the middle of my tracks wondering about the strange feeling I nowadays get...

I want to ask Lily about this....

Well speaking of her where is she?

I searched for my precious maid in the big tower...
But she was nowhere to be found....

'maybe she is outside.."
I walked outside of the tower and turned my head around to find her.

I decided to walk more further from tower...

But before I could move one more step my body froze...

Infront of me.....
It was....

I saw Lily on her knees as some guards surrounding the tower and a hoard of gaurds surrounding lily.

Please tell me it was not what I think it is......
Please not him...
I won't be able to handle myself......

I prayed in my head....

But I guess it was all in vain...

From the middle of the gaurds came out the person I wanted least to see.

He spoke my name as my legs started trembling.
My brain went numb I was not able to think anything....

"How have you been?"
Another sentence escaped his lips as he looked at me with that gaze from those jewel eyes.

Which I hated the most...
It was like a nightmare to me..

I held my head down in instinct my eyes moving towards Lily.

I saw one of the gaurds kicking Lily as she hit the ground and lost consciousness.

A scream came out from my mouth "LILY!!"

without thinking anything my legs gave up I knelt infront of him.

"P-please don't do anything to Lily father!" I pleaded him on my knees pleading him as tears leaked out of my eyes.

Why am I always like this...
Weak and pathetic...

Tears won't stop running down from my face as I kept pleading my father.

"What's happening in my tower?"
I heard the voice which was quite familiar to my ear.



He walked towards the blonde princess on ground with tears.

He felt his blood boil seeing her in tears like that...

"Sia.." Lucas gently spoke her name putting his hands around her shoulders.

Athanasia swiftly turned her face towards him facing him, tears still not stopping streaming down from her eyes.

"Will you leave me too like others"
"After seeing me like this.."
"Pathetically pleading.."
"Like others......."

"Who are you?" She saw Lucas looking towards the blonde haired man infront of her.

"And how dare you interfere in my property?" His gaze scary enough to kill anyone.

"I am the emperor"
"Claude de alger obelia"

Claude stated standing straight looking towards the red eyed man infront of him who was not scared of him a bit.

"And you?"
Claude felt a great amount of mana from Lucas.

"The magician of the tower"
Lucas glared at Claude.

The blonde man flinched a little but came back to his posture again.

He glared back.

"Then I want to ask what are you doing in my tower"
Lucas finally stood up giving a hand to Athanasia helping her to stand.

"I am here to take the first princess Athanasia"
Claude looked coldly looked at the poor girl who was trying to stand on her feet.

"You mean my bride" Lucas looked at Claude.

Claude sighed.

"You know.."
"Take that wench with you"
"Just do it publically so that those filthy Nobel's won't disturb me!"
Claude shouted his voice loud and clear and then turned away.

(Well he didn't wanted Athanasia so I guess he won't really mind her not being with him....)

"I'll give you one day"
"Decide before I come again"
He said sitting inside the carriage.

"L-lily" Athanasia blurted out as the gaurds still didn't freed lily.

"I'll take her incase you won't run"
The gate of the carriage was closed as soon as he completed his words.

"H-hey stop" Athanasia ran behind the carriage in an attempt to stop it.

'they can't take Lily!'

Ofcourse the emperor's gaurds didn't cared for the pitiful blonde as they took away the unconscious maid while dragging her on the hard ground.

Athanasia felt like a hundred arrows had pierced through her heart as she saw Lily being dragged on the ground.

It was all because she was not capable of protecting them.

She was useless...

"Sia.." she felt a hand on her shoulder.

She said nothing just walked inside leaving Lucas standing.



Am I late?

But I'm really experiencing a pain right now like reallyyyyyyy....

Firstly I was having a writer's block
Then my periods came
then I am goddamn sick
then exams are still alive!!!

I really hate how my life's going right now!

I updated this cause I had too....

Well bye...
Love you all ❣️💕
Apple out ~

(#Shitty life (༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ))

Forgive me I will finally go now
But I am still writting...
Just to have more words.....

Ok finally I'm going..


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