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(this is not related to the events in the story)

The blonde was in the kitchen making a fresh strawberry tart when suddenly a sound of something falling came to her ears.

She shouted trying to figure that was it her husband who fell somewhere again in sleep.

Much to her shock the person she called for suddenly appeared from beside her giving the blonde a hard shock.

"Gaaahhh! Don't come like this!"
She shouted as her hand held the side where her heart was to calm the continuous beating of it.

"Oh...are you scared?"
The ravennete asked as the blonde nodded looking away to another direction.

"Did someone just fell...I heard some sound"
She mumbled slowly and cautiously walking towards the place from where the sound came from.

"Sound? Oh yeah..."
The ravenette also followed the blonde from behind as both of them went inside to the dining room to find two people stacked on the ground.

"Kyaaa!! Who are you!?"
She screamed looking at the bodies of the unknown people.

"Ughh!! I told you to not come here!"
One of them groaned.

The sound was high-pitched which could be assumed to be a girl's and from behind she looked to have raven black hair and was laying on the other person who seemed to be a man with blonde hair.

The raven haired intruder got up as her one hand was on her forehead but the couple was still not able to look at her face.

"Now...where is it?"
She mumbled as she turned her head slowly to our main couple's direction though it made the two widen there eyes.

She was a girl as expected, though the thing was that she had red eyes and a mole under her right eye and was identical to the raven haired man.

"L-Lucia! Get off me!!"
The other intruder shouted as the raven haired intruder got up dusting her red dress.

"Ha...you don't seem to be that heavy"
The other blonde haired intruder said turning towards our main couple which made the two even more shocked.

He was a guy, though he had jewelled eyes and blonde platinum hair plus hebwas really identical to the blonde woman in the room much to her confusion.

"W-who are you!"
The blonde woman asked earning a look from the ravenette girl as she flipped her long hair in air.

"Calm down...we are just you but from other dimension"
The raven haired girl said walking towards the blonde man.

"Lucas! Is this true?"
The blonde asked as the raven haired man nodded his head with a sceptical look on his face.

"We really broke them didn't we?"
The blonde man said looking at the raven haired girl who seemed to be looking at her other version.

"He doesn't look bad"
She mumbled her eyes sharply looking through the raven haired man and scanning him.

"Good enough to be my male version"
A satisfied nod was done by her as she then turned to look at the blonde man who seemed to be having the 'seriously' look on his face.

She asked like she didn't knew the reason why he was looking at her that way.

She just scanned through to make sure that he was qualified or not..?

Anyway she was just too tired of the other dimension where other Lucia's always gawk at her man like fresh meat....

This one is a breath of relief...

THE SACRIFICIAL BRIDE(Lucathy)Where stories live. Discover now