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Shouted the blonde kid with widened eyes.

"You mean you have to leave for years!?"
He was shocked by the sudden news he heard just now...

The ravenette just looked down in daze...

"It's fine...if i could save him then...sure"
She mumbled getting off the bed and walking towards the cupboard.

"B-But there should be any other way!"
The blonde tried stopping the ravennete but she was too stubborn to listen to him.

"No! There isn't! And please let me do it! only family"
She turned and looked at him with teary eyes before wiping her eyes and taking out a purple coloured box from the cupboard.

"It's for the best..."
She mumbled.

"I promise i would come back...soon"
She smiled looking at him who had a despair filled look in his eyes.

"Fine...but remember..if you won't come soon..than I would come to meet you myself.."
He mumbled sitting on the ground beside the ravenette who took out a pure white jewel from the box and opened it.

"O sacred World you hear my call... please...reply"
Said the ravenette as a bright light shone from the Jewell blinding the blonde's eyes as he tried shield them with his hands.

"Remember to tell my family..."

"And I would come back..."


Athanasia was sitting in her room crying beside the body of lucas.

There were starting to be several black markings on the ravennete.

"Lucas... please... Don't leave me..."
She kept mumbling.

Lillian, her mother-figure was out of her room on the blonde's request to have a alone time...

"I don't want you to leave me..."

"You promised to not leave me..."

"Please... Don't die... like others.."

She whispered as her ters were not left to come out.

She did said she won't cry...

But for someone else...

She can't help but always be pitifull...

She now understands...

She is nothing without him...

Nothing but a lifeless doll...

All those dreams...

Would they be true...

Would he die like he did in those....

Will they be separated...




All this time...

Why did she felt a connection to those dreams....


All of of this...

Is too confusing...

She wished the ravenette was there...

To save her...

From everything...

Hide her from the world in his embrace....

Like he did everytime...

She now remembered it all...


Of her times....

Suddenly a bright light came from her hand where she wore the ring lucas gave her, envoleping the whole room.


Where am I...

I opened my eyes to find myself in a completely dark void.

What is this place...

And where is Athanasia...

Suddenly all the memories of whatever happened before hit him.

Oh no!

I have to protect her...

I have to get out of here!

I tried using my magic but it was all in vain as nothing happened other than a slimy thing tying my legs.

I tried to free myself from them but the more I tried doing it the more I get stucked inside.

Soon I was close enough of my head getting inside and the slimy thing killing me.

I can't stay like this...

I have to save her!

Save Athanasia...

Soon only my one hand was out with my whole body inside that slimy thing.

It felt cold and harsh...

I don't want to be here...

I want to be with my...

Suddenly I felt a hand wrap around my hand as it pulled me out of the slimy thing.


How was it!?

I did said I won't torture you'all...I'm being generous here!

Anyway thank me for not doing it longer!

Plus...short chp...sorry it's just laziness...

And also I love all so much!!!

Oh my lovely readers!

If i could be there I would hug you!

(The author is in a bright mood plus she also is angry on her friends so...bear the consequences... that's the way of dealing with hatred for her...)

You're all just too much cute!

I wish you could be happy...

I know you would be!!

Let's just pray I would be too...

Would I be....

Bye bye!

And did I said you're the most lovely and beautiful in the whole world? My dear lovely readers!

Love you all ❣️💕
Apple out~

THE SACRIFICIAL BRIDE(Lucathy)Where stories live. Discover now