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" a test for knowledge?"
The blonde woman asked her hands scratching her chin.

"It is next week"
The silver head said looking serious as the ravennete and brunnete sat there silently.

"...... fine this time I'm gonna surely not loose"
Her eyes became sharper as the paper in her hand crumpled a little by the force.

"Alright...but remember that you're gonna need to study a lot"
The silver head got up from his seat as he took the paper from the blonde's hand.

"Are you serious? Who do you think she is?"
"Ofcourse she would win"
The ravenette said proudly with his hands crossed and eyes closed.

"Yup! What do you think my sister is? She is the smartest!"
The brunnete beside the ravenette spatted agreeing with the man.

Anyone could see she had some affection for the blonde....

Though the brunnete still used to deny that she doesn't care about anyone...

"I never said she can't! I know she is smart"
The silver head said.

"But we can't underestimate the other side"

He walked out of the room after saying that, leaving the three people only.

"Hah! I could just destroy that punk in a snap of my finger..." (Talking bout anastacius btw)
The magician grumbled earning a nod from the brunnete.

Though the blonde remained silent for awhile as she wondered about something.

"He might not be wrong...we should not underestimate Anastacius"
She spoke seriously, getting up and sitting on the desk beside her bed.

"I should work hard.....and play fairly"
A sweet smile crept up on her face as she realised her past mistake.

She would not repeat the mistake again...

"If you say so...."
The magician grumbled crossing his legs with a pout.

"Yeah! I would help you Athanasia! I know you won't loose!"
The brunnete with Jewelled eyes pumped her fists up with a smile looking determined for the blonde.

"I'm sure sir Lucas would help you too!"
"You can do it!"
She cheered looking towards the ravennete who nodded at her words.

"Ofcourse I will help and support you no matter what"
The ravenette said walking towards the blonde and hugging her from the back.

"I know you can do it..."
He smiled at the blonde making her heart thump.

No matter how much time it has been....

She still feels the same way with him the way she felt when they first met....

Still that same fresh love....

And she knew...

Now that he is beside her....

She won't loose no matter what....

He is the only thing she needed....

"Thank you...."
Her eyes watered a little as she wiped the few tears that fell from her eyes and smiled back at him.

"No need to thank me.....I know you're the best"
His eyes closed making them look like like a crecent moon as his smile widened even more.

"Not for that....thank you for... staying beside me..."
The blonde mumbled as she smiled back at him.

Though the both forgot the presence of the brunnete in the room...

"Stop it lovebirds...I am still single..."
The brunnete joked making the blonde come out of her world and blush fifty shades of red.

She tried speaking but stopped as the brunnete started laughing histerically.

"Just look at you! My god!! You're so damn cute!!"
She laughed earning another blush from the blonde.

"Cut it chimera"
"You're making my wife uncomfortable"
The ravenette grumbled and glared at the brunnete  before planting a soft kiss on the blonde's cheek making the blonde's heart burst.

"Sure~ sure~ take care of your wife sir Lucas~"
"I'm going"
The brunnete chuckled running out of the room and shutting the door close but before that, shouting something that made the blonde become a tomato and the ravennete smirk slyly.

"I would wait for my niece!!"



The once bright sky turned in a shade of dark blue with twinkling white stars surrounding it as the moon took place of the sun.

"Aren't you tired?"
The ravenette asked looking at the blonde who had her head stuffed inside a book.

"No...I used to study the same way when I lived in the palace too"
The blonde said as the ravennete snapped his fingers making the book in her hand disappear.

"It's not the palace"
"And you have to rest can't put too much stress on your body"
He scolded the blonde as she resisted taking another book from the table and starting to read it.

"Tch. So stubborn"
The man grumbled making the book in the blonde's hand materialise into thin air again.

Just when the blonde was going to take another book the ravenette snapped his fingers making all the books there fade.

"Lucas! I wanna read!!"
The blonde whined earning a strict gaze from the ravenette.

"No. Rest before I force you to do so"
The ravenette said sternly earning a reluctant pout from the blonde.

"No! I won't!"
She declared crossing her legs and stubbornly sitting there.

"Tch. Guess I don't have any choice"
A irritated smile formed on the ravennete's face as he walked towards the blonde and held her up in bridal style before throwing her on the bed and jumping above her.

"W-what are you doing!?"
The blonde said startled by the ravennete's activities.

"I warned you before didn't I?"
He held the blonde's chin making her shiver before kissing her roughly on lips.

The blonde tried to resist but was too weak to do so as the ravennete slammed her hands on the bed.

She whined after her oxygen started to decrease but the latter didn't showed any intention to stop.
Infact he deepened the kiss.


Finally he realeased as the blonde took a sigh of relief taking in oxygen.

She was stopped by the strict gaze coming from the ravenette.

"Sleep before I jump on you and make you regret"
He said as the blonde swiftly tugged herself in bed to sleep.

"G-good night"
She shouted before closing her eyes and drifting of into sleep.

After that she truly slept swiftly due to tiredness....

"I knew she was tired..."
The ravenette said while moving his hands through the sleeping blonde's hair.

"What a child..."

He layed on the bed beside her and closed his eyes hugging the blonde in his sleep.


I sometimes wonder from where I get time to write chapters even If I am currently having my soul destroyed.

Welp anyway
How was it?

I am busy...
And if I haven't replied to any comment then I'm sorry cause I'm not really having a free time..

I want to sleep now but no...I am going to skip my sleep again for the sake of I don't what...

I just can't sleepXD
I slept too much in morning...

Ok bye!!
Love you all ❣️💕
Apple out~

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