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Birds were chirping as bright and warm sun rays landed towards the window of a certain room in the famous black tower.

Sweet humming of a certain someone can be heard.

Athanasia was sitting on chair infront of her mirror which was ofcourse here because of a certain someone's magic.

She was brushing her soft platinum blonde hair which appeared to be gold because of the sun rays.

"It's been sometime since scarlet visited.." she thought looking at her reflection infront of the mirror.

"I am sure lucas did something last time"
Suddenly the blonde felt two hands wrap around her from back.
She knew the person who did it and now was kind of used to these things.

"Good morning!" A cheerful Lucas embraced the blonde wanting more after there loooong night.

"Morning.." but to his displeasure his wife didn't paid much attention to him today and was wondering about something else.

"What are you thinking...?" He asked as his lips formed into a pout.

"You remember scarlet..." Athanasia talked while looking outside the window in her daze.

"Scar-who?" Lucas asked confused.

"As expected forget it!" Athanasia banged her head on the dressing table infront of her.

Lucas flinched seeing her behave like this she has really been behaving all moody nowadays.....

"My head hurts~"Athanasia complained weakly.

Lucas broke there hug and turned to face Athanasia and sat on his knees while caressing the place where it was hurting.

"When did I started to care for someone this deeply" he chuckled in his mind looking at there situation.

"You should stop being stupid and behave normally" he scolded her using his magic to heal her wound.

Athanasia just sat sulking it's been some days since she got out of the tower she was clearly bored making her act like a moody brat.

"Lucas..." Athanasia looked at him with her big round eyes.
"Hm..." He on the contrary just hummed.

"I wanna go out.." she said at which Lucas stood up shrugged "fine.."

"Really!" Athanasia's eyes were shinning hearing to the latter's response.

"Hmm.." Lucas again just hummed.

With the flick of his fingers they were there at the market in a alley.

"Woahhhh!!" Exclaimed Athanasia as her eyes looked at the various things around them.

It was her first time going out in the market as when she was in the palace Claude didn't allowed her and in the tower she didn't got any chance.

When Athanasia lift her leg for walking further she suddenly realised something and stopped.

"But my appearance...." She looked at him, he just sighed and flicked his finger turning there clothes like

Lucas' long hair were now tied in a ponytail and he also wore a white shirt with black pants looking like a commoner which was not really successful because of his fierce looks.

"Others can't see our appearance" he spoke as he held Athanasia's hands and started walking alongside her.

They walked to various places mostly where were foods as Athanasia was always either drooling over food or going in some jwellery shops because of her obsession to shiny stuffs.
What about money?
Lucas just uses his magic to make it so no problem at all.

THE SACRIFICIAL BRIDE(Lucathy)Where stories live. Discover now