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My eyes widened at the figure infront of me..though I regained my posture and my face became expressionless again with a bored look.

I didn't expected her to meet this soon....

But i guess it's for the better...

I want to meet my sia...

"How are you,Lucas"
Asked the woman infront of me.

She had platinum blonde hair just like sia, while her eyes were magenta, her whole face was really identical to Athanasia's.

A beautiful motherly smile adorned her face. She still looked freshly beautiful even after being dead.

She should have been reincarnated in another world till now...

"Was fine until a black magic ball was shot at my heart giving me a curse"
I replied nonchalantly.


Athanasia's mom...

I felt her soul before, when I went to inspect the goldfish...

But now seeing her here...

Did she gave up on him...

I don't care...

But it would be better if she did...

"Yes, I did gave up on Claude....he...failed me...along with our daughter..."
A sorrow filled look formed in her eyes as she spoke.

"Well... it's not the time to talk about him! I have very less time...I just wanted to talk to my son-in-law"
She gave a radiant smile looking at me.

Her mood swings are like Sia...

"I know you love her alot..I noticed how you two are inseparable"
Diana took my hands and looked at me with hopeful eyes.

"Please take care of my stead..."
"Don't let her feel lonely..."
"Don't let her miss her parents..."
"Become her only need..."
She spoke as tear drops formed on the corner of her eyes.

Do I have to comfort...

I don't know how to though...

"Anyway athy does adore you I just wish you don't dare to hurt her or..."

Suddenly the once motherly aura from her turned to menacing.

Now I see where sia got her personality from......

"I won't...i can't think of hurting her..I love her more than anything.."
I told her sincerely.

Now that I look at it...

It looks like I'm trying to convince her to marry her daughter...

"Well I expected of my son-in-law"
"My daughter has better choice in men...more than mine"
She mumbled patting my head and nodding her head.

What a wierd woman...

" I have to go...."
I saw her looking down before she started to fade in a pink dust.

"I hope..."
"You remember it all..."

She said before completely vanishing.


Remember what....?


"So you decided to come to me"

Infront of the little girl was a magnificent white tree speaking to her.

"Cut it. Just do what I said then i would obey you"
The ravenette said rolling her eyes as she float in the air.

THE SACRIFICIAL BRIDE(Lucathy)Where stories live. Discover now