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"where do you live?"
Scarlet asked bitting a apple as red as her eyes.

"No where.....I am homeless..."
The blonde sitting beside her said as the ears on his head bend down.

"Oh.....then will you live with me?"
The ravenette asked taking another bite from the apple.

"With you....but won't your sister and brother be mad...."
A frown formed on the latter's face listening this.

"What do you think of my sister and brother! They are really kind! No...wait not my brother...but sister athy is kind!!"
The ravenette shouted making the blonde flinch and sweat drop.

"I-i'm sorry if I hurt you..."
He apologized doing a 369⁰ bow as the other kid modded her head.

"You should be"

"Now...anyway I won't let them find you"
The ravenette snapped her fingers making the apple in her hand disappear whilst she stood up on her feets and walked forward then turned spread her hand towards the blonde sitting on the ground.

"Now wanna come or I would live you alone here"
She asked with her eyes showing that she was serious.

The blonde kid just stared at her hands for sometime in disbelief then looked at her.

"I you don't mind..."

He held the hand the ravenette spread towards him and stood up with a bright smile.

"Ofcourse I won't mind kitty"
The ravenette said snapping her fingers again after holding the blonde's hand tightly.

"Hey don't call me kitty!!"



I walked in the garden as I felt weakness taking over me slowly...


His voice made me swiftly turn and look at him with puffy eyes due to crying.

My voice was still hoarse and my eyes  were being more dizzy...but his voice calling me and face was the only thing that I held into to not faint....

"I'm sorry....but you see....we should end it..."

He spoke as his ruffly short black raven hair flew in the wind while his eyes looked down to the ground...

I see....

So it finally came to an end....

You're going to leave me alone too....

I can't help but let out a small chuckle....tears were not there to fall from my eyes anymore...

It dried a long all that's left is dullness and a dry desert of loneliness...

" I should leave from here.... shouldn't I?"

My voice didn't showed any was just cold like how my heart is...

I have long given up on getting warmth now....if I could...I would prefer to stay in this cold...


It would not break me again....

" can still stay here..."

I heard his voice... calling my name...

But it didn't felt like before...

And now it won't feel like before ever again...

"Don't worry...."
"I don't want to be a burden to you again..."

THE SACRIFICIAL BRIDE(Lucathy)Where stories live. Discover now