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The magician raised his brow.

The blonde swiftly stood from her chair and hopped towards the ravennete.

"You know...about the southern part of the empire..."
Athanasia spoke her tone becoming serious.

"Yeah...that goldfish talked about it..."
Lucas spoke becoming a little serious too.


"I..want the people there"

"I may not be a princess now..but.."

"I can't deny the fact that they are still my people..."

Athanasia spoke looking determined.

"Also!I am your wife so I had to take a check on the tower too!"
Her previous serious tone turned into enthusiasm.

"You don't really need to..."
Lucas spoke scratching his nape.

"Plus i'm sure goldfish will do something about the southern part..."

"But still!"
"I want to know all the people in tower!!"
Stars were shinning in Athanasia's eyes as she looked at him.

Seeing her this way Lucas gave up and agreed.

Athanasia was delighted after he agreed so she jumped on him and planted a sweet kiss on his cheek.

"Thank you!"
She exclaimed giving a bright smile.

Lucas stood dumbfounded as his hands went to touch the place where Athanasia kissed a small blush gracing his face.

"Now let's go!"
Athanasia clasped both of there hands together making Lucas jump out of his trance.

Lucas looked at Athanasia as the blonde looked at him confused too.

But before she could ask something the ravennete without wasting time kissed the blonde on her cheeks making her stunned.

Then he snapped his fingers and teleported at the tower.

"Take care Athanasia and Lucas"
Lily yelled while doing dishes.

"Seriously these kids..."


The moment when the two people arrived at the tower a huge blast occurred from inside it.

"Call the black tower wizard!"

"A emergency!"

"We have a Emergency!"

All the mages shouted and ran here and there in hurry.

The ravenette looked really annoyed at the moment looking at his subordinates.

"Tch. What had they done again!"
He tched and walked towards the direction of the commotion with the blonde following him from behind.

"You don't have to come...Sia"
Lucas spoke side eying at her.

"Never! I'mma come with ya'!"
On the other hand the blonde didn't budged.

"I swear to god she is hella stubborn"
"How would her child be if she is like this"
A sigh escaped his lips at just thinking about it.

"Don't blame me later"
He spoke not looking at her.

Athanasia nodded her head even though she knew he couldn't see her.

Soon they arrived at the place of commotion.

The blonde turned her gaze around to find several people in dull cloaks using there magic and attacking at the middle of the room attacking something or perhaps... someone?

"Now. Now."
"Stop there or die"
The ravenette spoke nonchalantly while walking towards the middle of the room.

Everyone in the room could feel the magician was annoyed because of his mana which was spreading around in the room and was capable of suffocating oneself to end.

They knew with experience that it would be best to follow what the ravennete said.

Apart from them Athanasia was not able to see his annoyed face because of his back facing her while walking forwards nor feel his overflowing mana as she didn't knew magic.

"Why do they looked scared?"
The question popped inside her brain though she choose to forget it for now.

The ravenette stopped as he finally went towards a group of magician circling someone in a circle.

"What's it?"
Lucas asked.

"A little...girl.."
The other magician spoke hesitantly.

"A what?"
Rage filled inside Lucas as he went inside the circle to just be astonished.

In the middle of the red circle sat a girl with the same raven hair and red orbs like him.

You could tell that they clearly looked....identical?

Athanasia swiftly ran towards the magician who were still not removing there magic circle.

She also looked quite shocked looking at the little girl.

"Lucas' twin!"

Was the only thing that came inside the blonde's mind after looking how identical they were.

The little girl with raven hair also caught a glimpse of her shimmering blonde hair.

The little girl ran towards the blonde in a hurry.

But before she could reach her she was stopped by the raven haired magician.

"Where do you think you are going?"
He asked calmly if we not conclude his deadly glare fuming in red.

Though the little girl didn't looked bothered by it at all.
The only thing currently in her mind was the blonde who looked quite shocked.

"Leave me you rascal!"
"Let me meet Athanasia!!"
The younger ravenette shouted using her magic which somehow succeeded as she was now not in the ravennete's grasp.

She swiftly ran towards the blonde and hid behind her.

"P-please Athanasia save me.."
The little ravennete was on the verge of tears as she held the blonde like her life was depended on her.

Athanasia was baffled.
"How does this kid know me?"

She had many questions rising inside though she was sure of one thing.

If she wants the answer to her questions...

She had to save this kid!


How was it!

I really don't know what I'm writting as I'm drunk I feel.(honestly just on periods and wishing to write angst)

Anyone can make a guess who that little one is?

I would make a special chapter just for that person.... maybe?

(I somehow ended this chapter preety fast maybe in half an hour or something...)

Ok well whatever
Love you all ❣️💕
Apple out~

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