CHAPTER-52 (Last Chapter)

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"so, you've finally woken up"
Lucas said looking away trying to start a conversation with the younger even though he wasn't sure how.

"Duh! I'm here aren't I?"
Scarlet rolled her eyes and remarked.

'I see...still hasn't changed a bit...'
'just got a little more disrespectful!'

"Hey! I don't care if you are my aunt or whatever"
"Just don't talk rudely with my daddy!"
Attheia complained eying the girl with a sharp look.

"You're in no position to teach me,kiddo"
Scarlet spatted with a frown which turned into a pout.

"I am just angry because someone can't even smile at me even after it have been a long while since we met"
She crossed her hands and looked at Lucas sulking.

"Has brother Lucas forgotten me?"
Her eyes grew teary.

"N-no I didn't! It's just that...I don't know how should I do that..."
The ravenette mumbled looking away as his daughter looked at him with a perplexed look.

"Hah! Got trapped again! I was just joking"
Scarlet chuckled a little.

"Why is aunt laughing mama?"
Attheia asked running towards her mother who had Ambrose in her arms.

She glanced at Ambrose with a bored look and thought.

'What a Mama's boy'

Ambrose caught her look and gave her a confused look.

She then turned her expression back to normal and turned towards her mother.

"Nothing Theia and now you should go to sleep"
Athanasia said standing up and tried to hold Attheia in her arms but she refused and ran away.

She protested running towards her father and climbing on his lap then hugging her.

"I wanna stay with papa!"
She shouted though Athanasia tried to convince her but she continued to refuse.

"Theia go to sleep, papa would sleep late"
Lucas tried convincing his stubborn daughter but she again refused to move.

"D-does papa hate Theia?"
She turned to Lucas with fake tears and a sad face making him flinch.

"N-no not like that..."
He tried speaking but got a loss for words.

He could never deal with crying people...

And his daughter knew it pretty well...

"Meh. What a brat"
"I used to sleep before anyone could tell me"
Scarlet smirked and looked at Attheia who had a irritated look on her face.

Lucas looked at the two and got interested a little at how the two would react to each other, and as far as he noticed...his daughter and sister...seem to dislike each other.....a lot...

"Mind your own business bit-"
She stopped herself from completing the word like usual.

"Ha! What the fuc-"

"Shut up old shi-"

"Shut up you too!!"
Athanasia shouted making the two shut there mouth as they looked at the blonde with a scared look.

"Attheia! Go to bed or your punishment will be expanded!"
Athanasia scolded as the ravennete swiftly got off her father's lap and ran to her room, scared by her mother.

But before walking out of the room she turned a last time and stucked her tongue out at Scarlet.

"Brose, go with your sister and sleep with her"
Athanasia smiled kindly at her son as he obediently nodded his head.

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