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"Athanasia give her to me.."
The older black haired male spoke with his hands stretched forwards towards the blonde.

"No I won't!"
Athanasia spoke hiding the little ravennete behind her.

"Why will you save her!?"
His voice echoed in the silence of the room as his eyes glowed blazing red.

Saying that everyone was scared was an understatement cause they were really terrified looking at the ravennete.

Athanasia still hid the girl behind her protecting her from him.

"Why wouldn't I!"
"You guys are gonna make her your project!"
"But she is a human too!"
Athanasia shouted back at Lucas with her voice loud and clear.

The ravenette was shocked so as the other people in the room.

The people were shocked as to how does the woman shouted at the magician so bravely even after she saw how angry he looked.

While for the ravennete it was the first time Athanasia angrily shouted at him..

"We won't.."
"I just want to know how does she have my mana..."
His voice became a little low.

"Your mana?"
Athanasia also calmed down a little and tilted her head.

"It's nearly impossible to have a mana similar to someone until they are how does she...have my mana?"
His gaze went towards the little girl behind Athanasia as the little ravennete shivered looking at him.

"Maybe we were truly harsh..."

"If you want to know that then why are you all sealing her!"
Athanasia reasoned.

"Well what would we do when a little kid will come and start to destroy this goddamn tower!"
One of the wizards shouted.

"What do you mean..."
"How can it?"
"You're just weak!"
The blonde looked at the little ravennete who was looking back at her with her large red eyes in a pitifull manner.

The ravenette started sniffing while some drops escaped from her eyes.

"H-how could I do it..."
"Why are you lying uncle?"
She spoke looking at the magician who was shouting a while ago.

"W-what are you saying you little brat!"

"Why are you calling me a brat uncle...."
The girl started crying while hugging the blonde's waist.

"Hey hey Don't cry..."
Athanasia tried to console her by carrying the girl in her arms and patting her back.

"All uncle's here are soo meannnn!"
The ravenette cried.

"Make your colleagues shut up or I won't hesitate to punish them"
She had a extremely cold gaze on her face which send shivers down the wizards even Lucas.

"C-calm down Athanasia... let's go to the tower first..."
The older ravennete spoke trying to calm the blonde.

Athanasia turned and started to walk outside.

Though the innocent little girl who was in her arms a while ago was not that innocent...

The wizards with Lucas could see how she was smirking slyly at them like telling them that she was superior.


Lucas was furious at her for all the ruckus she caused and made Athanasia scold him.

He stomped out of the room following Athanasia in anger.

The wizards there stood hopelessly as they had no option....

The woman was there boss' wife and the girl was in the protection of her...

They can just pray that there lives would be in peace.....


Both lucas and Athanasia teleported to the tower just to find lily cleaning the room.

"You came back pretty soon athy..."
The brunnete said before noticing the little figure in the blonde's arm.

"Who is she...?"

"We found her in the tower...."
Athanasia spoke not having the energy to explain all the things.

"Oh...can I see her?"

The blonde hummed.

The little girl in her arms turned her head a little to face the maid just to earn a gaso from her.

"S-she looks just like mr. Lucas!"
The brunnete exclaimed astonished.

"I-is she your secret love child!?"
The words threw a bomb at Lucas with Athanasia glaring daggers at him.

"Are you joking!"
"No way will I have a love child with anyone except Athanasia!"
"Plus I'm just 22 for god's sake!"
The ravenette spatted completely rejecting the idea of him having a child with another woman other than the blonde.

"Then is she your both are too identical..."

"I... don't know about that..."
"It's been awhile since I last saw my parents...."
He had a bitter look on his face while talking about his family.. which Athanasia noticed.

"We can ask the girl...."
She said now everyone's eyes turning towards the ravennete in her arm.

"I guess you're right we can just ask her..."

Then Athanasia carried the ravennete to the sofa and made her sit there.

She then crouched down to her knees and sat infront of her.

"Hey...can you tell me your name?"
She asked her voice calm and soft.

The girl could be seen hesitating a little before finally speaking.

"M-my name is..."


How was it?

I am toooo lazy to write chapters!

Plus I also am busy thinking about future events in it and some angst oneshots...

It's a hassle!

Well byeee
Love you all ❣️💕
Apple out~

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