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In the midst of the forest surrounded by large trees was a ravennete walking while her eyes were fixed on the ground.

"How can I fix there fight..."
She mumbled to herself rubbing her cheeks.

A sigh escaped from her mouth tired of using her brain too much...

She finally gave up and sat in the shade of a tree hugging her legs.

" If only wasn't this useless...."
She mumbled looking at the grass.

"I don't want to be alone...."
She hugged her legs even more tightly  closing her eyes.

Though she didn't noticed the presence of a certain someone standing on the branch of the tree she was sitting below.

Blue eyes looked towards the girl having raven black hair with curiousity.

"Who are you?"

The sudden voice startled the ravennete as she jumped and looked towards the direction from which the voice came.

Her read eyes landed on a boy with blonde hair and cerulean blue eyes standing on the top of the tree on a branch whilst the sun shone brightly on his pale white face.

Though she didn't really noticed the ears that were on his head due to the height of the tree.

Though she didn't really noticed the ears that were on his head due to the height of the tree

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(His hands are really bad〒﹏〒 but still is this good?)

"W-who are you!?"
The ravenette shouted still having her heart beating swiftly due to the sudden appearance of the boy.

"I asked that question first"

The boy said nonchalantly jumping from the branch without effort.

"Gaahh!! Are you crazy!? Why did you jumped from that big ass tree!!!"
The girl shouted getting a shrug from the boy.

"Isn't that normal?"
The random stranger tilted his head glancing at the ravennete.

"Normal? Since when!?"
She asked running towards the boy.

"Since I was born. Now tell me who you are?"
He said plopping on the ground with his legs crossed.

"What do you mean by 'since I was born'?"
The ravenette asked sitting beside the boy not fearing that he could hurt her.

Why would she fear anyone when she have magic?

"I won't reply untill you answer my question"
"Who are you?"
He said pointing towards the girl.

"What would you do after knowing me?"
A sigh escaped from the ravenette as she asked him.

"I would be your friend."
The boy said making the ravenette raise a brow.

"Why? You don't even know me"
She asked finally noticing the cat like ears on the boy's head.

"Are you a-"

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