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It's been eight years now since I took the throne.

By now Jeanette had decided to become a judge along with Celine and I also think the two have a thing between them..but Jeannette just keeps denying it.....

Me and Jeannette have also gotten a lot closer to each other since these years.

Plus Lily and Felix are now a married couple!

Isn't it great and they also have a little boy now!

While we shifted to the palace, we put the body of unconscious Scarlet in a special room locked from other's gaze.

Leo went to train after a year Scarlet slept.....though he didn't told us about what training...

He only told us that he have to grow stronger to protect Scarlet.

He usually comes by to look at Scarlet while he talks to her even though he knows she won't reply..

And yes, he still haven't lost his cheerful and bright personality!

While me and Lucas, started to rule the empire.

I didn't expected him to be this much good at doing his work.....without any mistakes...

Guess he doesn't say himself as the greatest tower magician for nothing....

And last but not least....


"Mommy! Daddy!"
Behind from the bushes came the sweet sugary voice sounding to be of a kid.

Both the blonde and ravennete looked at each other with a chuckle before walking towards the bush.

A black strand of hair popped out of the bush with another blonde beside it.

"Can you find us!"
Spoke the same voice.

"We were playing hide and seek alone but...we needed to end the game somehow..."
This time it sounded different but it was still of a kid.

"Sure sure"
"Ofcourse we would!"
The ravenette exclaimed making the two kids come out of the bush as he made them float in air by his magic.

"Stop your play and go eat your lunch"
He scolded as the two kids let out a giggle.

There were two kids, one a girl with raven black hair identical to the older ravennete, along with a pair of blue jewelled eyes, identical to the blonde's eyes.

Another was a boy with platinum blonde hair identical to the blonde woman and fiery red eyes, sane like the older ravennete with an addition of a beauty mark under his left eye.

They were twins, both of five years,
the only prince and princess of the empire of Obelia.

Attheia de alger Obelia


Ambrose de alger Obelia

"Food! I'm hungy!"
Attheia shouted as drool seemed to be coming out of her mouth listening about lunch.

"Me too!"
Exclaimed Ambrose and then Lucas used his magic to bring down the two back on the ground.

"Then let's go kids!"
Athanasia exclaimed as the two followed their parents to the dining room.

"I want chocolates..."
Mumbled Ambrose making his twin older sister glance at him.

"Now that you say that...the feelings are mutual bro"
She closed her eyes with her hand on her chest being all dramatic.

"Can you stop that, sis"
He looked at her with a look as she got back to her posture sticking out her tounge in a playful manner.

She winked at him and walked closer to him.

"Let's sneak chocolates when papa and mamma would be out"
She had a sly smirk on her face as she distanced herself from the blonde back.

"What if we would get caught?"
Ambrose asked and Attheia gave him a look.

"What do you think of your sister brose!"
She puffed up her already chubby cheeks making her look like a squirrel.

"I know how to use invisibility spell"
She whisper shouted making sure that her parents don't heard her.

"Ha? Wasn't it a hard spell? How did you learned it this soon?"
Brose, asked as the ravennete looked towards her father.

"I sneaked in Papa's office and secretly took his book of spells..."

"anyway If I want to be a great magician like him.. then i should atleast know these easy spells!"

She looked proud at herself as the blonde looked at her and rolled his eyes.
"What a show off"

"Mind your language, bastard!"
This time the ravennete by mistake made her voice loud as her parents swiftly turn to the kids.

'ah...I messed up..'
The ravenette sweat dropped looking at her mother who looked at her wide eyed.

"Attheia! Did you just cursed?"
Athanasia asked walking towards the ravennete who stood there stiffly.

"Rest in peace, you won't be missed Theia"
Whispered Ambrose walking away a little from his sister.

Attheia moved her eye to look at her brother to find him smirking at her.

She glared at him, at which he just stuck out his tounge out teasing her.

'T-that son of a-'

"M-mammaaaa...what do you heard?"
"I-I said custard...not bastard"
"Theia wanted to eat c-custard for lunch!"
She didn't looked into the blonde's eyes and smiled innocently hoping to get out of the situation swiftly.

" you're lying...tell me who taught you that.."
The mother sighed glaring daggers at the kid whilst she looked down guilty.

"Papa said it when he was looking at the picture of grandfuc-"

Athanasia screamed horrified and turned to look at lucas but he was nowhere to be found.



It was currently night in the Obelian empire as the mother of the two kids came back to her room after putting back her children's to sleep.

"Tch. I am gonna strangle him when he comes back"
She mumbled sitting on the bed just to get attacked by a back hug.

"Are you angry? Don't be!"
Lucas sweet-talked to Athanasia making her veins pop out.

"You can't be saved now!"
"What did you taught our daughter, Lucas!"
Athanasia shouted shoving lucas away while she stood, turned and glared at him.

"I..just told her the truth...anyway she is my daughter!"
Lucas said trying to hold Athanasia's hand but she kept moving back.

"But she's a hella kid!"
"And for now! Don't ever use swear words infront of her or-"

Her speech got interrupted by a kiss on her lips.

The ravenette wrapped his one arm around her shoulder while his other hand held her both hands to stop her from protesting.

She groaned as he deepened the kiss making both of there oxygen deplete.

After a while, lucas broke the kiss as the two took in some air.

He slowly went to her ear and whispered.

"Should we give our kids a new sibling or siblings?"

This question made the blonde blush.

"No! The two are already enough!"

As soon as she said that a loud thump voice came.

Now what the two troublemakers were planning...


Tommorow is my maths exam....

I am a dead meat nowಥ_ಥ

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