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"so, the mission has begun"
Whispered Attheia, while looking at the blonde with a sharp look.

He rolled his eyes and walked away.

The two were in their night dresses, their mom had left a few hours after they tricked her in thinking that they were asleep.
By now, their father must have made their mother busy in other things that they don't know and are not curious to know them either.

Perfect time to excute the plan!!

"Now use your magic"

"Tch. I can't even try to speak something"
She tched before snapping her fingers as now they were nowhere to be found.

"Done. Now let's sneak"

Both of them were able to see each other while the others can't, before moving forward to do their 'mission' both of them shared a smirk.

"You are useful in a way"
Ambrose mocked as the ravennete felt her anger rise but she just kept a mocking smile on her face.

"Shut up, before I throw you out"

Both of them started walking towards the kitchen and found no one there.

"Oh it was pretty easy.. usually Lily stays here at this hour....I wanted to practice my sleeping spell..."
Attheia snapped her fingers making them visible again and they walked and took the chocolates kept in a jar.

"Mamma had punished you to not eat any choco for a month"
"So gimme"
Ambrose whisked the chocolate in his big sisters hand forcefully making her groan.

"Just shut up already! I am suffering to eat chocolates!!"
Attheia looked at Ambrose with teary eyes at which he just stuck out his toungue.

"Over dramatic"
He smirked before running off outside of the kitchen.

"Hey wait you little son of a-"
She whisper shouted knowing that cursing won't bring any good, running behind the blonde to take her chocolates.

"You can't catch me"
"Lazy turtle"
The blonde teased his sister making her red in anger as she swiftly ran increasing her speed and pushing the blonde.

"Who is slow now"
"You cloddish bug!"

Both of them got hit to a door opening it by the force of both of there bodies as they end up falling on the hard floor.

Attheia groaned rubbing her back which got hurt.

"You're not the only one to get hurt!"
Ambrose shouted in pain as he got up from the ground following his sister.

Before he could utter one more word his senses got shut along with his sister's as they both looked at the scene infront of them with there mouth and eyes open wide.

"Brose, have we come here before?"
Attheia nudged his shoulder as the blonde shook his head still looking at the sight infront of him.

Infront of them was a unknown room which they never knew that it even existed till now...with a...

Girl laying on a comfortable looking bed seeming peaceful....

"Do you think that perhaps..."

"Yeah I think so..."

"That perhaps she can be a wizard too!"

"That perhaps she is stranger"

Both of them said together and then turned to look at each other.

"I... wasn't talking about that..."

"Neither I..."

Both of them then looked at the front and walked towards the girl climbing to the bed with the help of each other and then glancing at the girl.

THE SACRIFICIAL BRIDE(Lucathy)Where stories live. Discover now