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A group of people stood across the ground made of dirt wearing plain white clothes.

(Wait-a minute doesn't there parents scold them for dirty clothes XD)

"Do we have both the contestants?"
One of the old looking guy of the group asked.

There in the middle of the ground stood two people...first was a man with blonde hair and jewelled eyes having a sword hanging on his belt.

While other was a woman with platinum blonde hair and jewelled eyes similar to the man whilst she had a sword in her hand looking dazed.

"Don't you have eyes old man?"
The blonde haired man asked bored making the one who asked the question raise his eyebrows.

"O-ah-i-i mean yeah....we both are here..."
Taking a 360⁰ turn of personality the blonde man rubbed his back hair looking apologizing.

Though the woman was still in daze looking at the place where her people were standing.



Sir Celine...


All of them...but not him...

She was in daze not realising that the oldman was now talking to her...



The loud shout made the ravennete jump from her trance quickly turning towards the old man and looking at him with a baffled expression.


She asked her eyes wide with confusion.

A snicker escaped from the older blonde making the younger glared at him making him smirk sweetly.

"I'm sorry...I was...just busy thinking something..."
The younger mumbled making the old man look at her with suspicion.

"I hope the lady would focus on the current event more than anything...our country's future depends on it"
The old man spoke before walking back to the group.

The younger nodded then glanced towards the older and made a serious look.

'stop it should focus...'

The blonde thought making a pose to start the fight.

The announcer started counting to 3, then the fight begin as the two blonde's moved swiftly to attack each other.

(The author never wrote fighting scenes so don't mind her...she must be sniffing somewhere 🙂)

Even though the younger blonde had more stamina due to her small size the older on the other side had more strength.

"Don't be weak princess"
"I don't want to win this easily"

The older remarked as there swords clashed to each other while the younger smirked.

"You sure uncle?"
She jumped making the older startle as she tried to stab him but failed due to the moving of the older swiftly.

The wide expression now changed with a smirk on his lips as he glanced at the blonde who had a stupified expression on her face.

"Good move...too bad you were slow"
He spoke running further to attack her but she dodged it making the older attack the air.

"So you're not that bad?"
The younger blonde said who was now running to attack the older though the older dodged it...a cut formed on his cheek making few drops of blood pour out without him knowing.

He touched the spot on his cheeks then looked at his fingers wide eyed before making a 'tch' sound.

The younger asked turning her head to back to look at her 'uncle' having a furious expression.

"Quite playing princess"
"Now you gotta fall"
He spoke in rage swiftly attacking the younger catching her off-guard...and when she tried to dodged he hit her leg making her fall on the ground as the older tried to attack her head but failed due to the sword the blonde used for defence.

"I won't loose!"
She shouted as she made the older flinch by the similarities of her with his currently in coma or dead brother.

Though after a moment he came back to his usual self but still it gave the younger enough time to get back on her feets.

"You are really similar to him...and that makes me kill you even more!"
He shouted attacking the younger but she dodged it.

"Him...the emperor?"
She asked making the former emperor look coldly at her.

"Pfft- I am not like that bastard"
She smirked attacking the older making him dodge it.

"You are..."

The both began fighting again as the people watching them looked tense.


On the side stood a brunnete and a silver head looking at the fight away from others.

"What do you think sir?"
"Will she win?"
The brunnete asked looking at the two blonde's fighting tensed.

She turned towards the silver head who had a serious didn't looked right to her.

"Will she..."
She mumbled looking down as the silver head opened his mouth to answer her.

"She won't far as I know the lady is not in the right mental state....also she didn't practiced plus she also didn't had food these days....she is weak now.... it's impossible for her to win without any miracle..."
The silver head said closing his eyes as the brunnete furrowed her eyebrow in worry.

"She's gonna had a hard time..."
She mumbled looking at the blonde with dispair in her eyes...

"Yeah she will...but Mr. Lucas will surely help her..."
The silver head tried making the brunnete cheer up but failed as she still looked last he just decided be silent.


After a while of fighting the two them were sweating due to much moment.

'i...I feel weak...'
'why can't I move...'
The blonde thought trying to move but failing every time.

The older moved swiftly this time still having enough energy to knock the blonde down...

"Bad luck princess~"
The older smirked making the blonde stuble to the edge as she tried to stop him but was too weak...

Finally giving a final blow the older made the blonde fall off the cliff...

But before that he whispered something in her ear that made the younger break completely...

"Your husband don't seem to be here?"


I updated!!

How was it? yeah I'm not good at writing fighting scenes...gosh I feel stupid....please don't make me cry...

I'm crying!!

I have soo much school work gaahhh!!!

Love you all ❣️💕
Apple out~

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