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"A Therianthrope and a Powerful wizard..."
"If I can just kill them both and absorb there mana... becoming the emperor will be much easier... infact I can even rule half of the world with this.."

A crazy roar of laughter escaped from him.
His jewelled eyes had a shade of red in them like he was possessed by someone...

"W-what do you mean?"
The blonde looked at him horrified just to get a grin.

"My dear neice...I can spare you if you let kill those lowly creatures..."
He spread out his one hand expecting the blonde to accept his offer.

"Take your words back before I chop your tongue of..."
Much to his displeasure the blonde looked at him threatening.

"Ha...You sure are claude's daughter irritating like him"
He sighed running his fingers through his blonde hair then looking at her with a menacing aura.

"Guess I have to kill you too"
A annoying smirk was plastered on his face as he tried to use magic to hurt her but it was blocked causing a annoyance for him.

"Tch. it just gets more irritating..."

This time the ravennete finally came in between them while spreading his enormous amount of mana in the surrounding sending a chill down everyone's spine...

"Listen here...I don't have much time for a half dead like you...but I warn you get lost of my sight before I shatter you in peices"

His threatening remark seemed like nothing for the former emperor though for the nobles...they were already shivering in fear.

"You are just like that pesky master of you are more irritating..."
Gritting his teeth the former emperor looked at lucas.

That same gaze he received years ago....

It's still fresh in his mind.....

"This is my son anastacius..."
"It would be my honour if he will be taught by the great wizard of black tower..."

The emperor with blonde hair said Patting the back of his son who looked rather scared and was trembling...

He knew...

If the tower wizard refused...his father will beat him to death...again...

The little boy looked at the man with long white hair holding hope in his eyes...

"Your majesty..."
"The prince have a really weak his"
"I apologise but I can't teach him..."

Saying this the white haired man looked at the boy with a indifferent gaze...

His eyes showed...



And thousand more...

"You are worthless!"
The emperor shouted beating a young boy with a whip In his hands.

"Even a concubines son in a lot better than you!"
He spatted while the boy silently heard him...

No one knew that they were making a moster rise...

The monster that is inside everyone...


Only some took control over it...

But in return they themselves turned into a monster....

THE SACRIFICIAL BRIDE(Lucathy)Where stories live. Discover now