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The eyes of the blonde widened at the sudden as the younger ravennete's..

"A-Are you crazy! You old ostrich!"
The red-eyed girl screamed which the older ignored and walked towards the blonde.

"So...shall we go my lady?"
He asked kissing the blonde's hand.

The blonde looked at him and blushed before nodding her head and mouthing a 'okay'...

In all of this the younger ravenette was still shouting while being ignored by the older.


"Scarlet where do you wanna go?"
The blonde asked looking at a map in her hands.

"Anywhere you want too and where I will not find this ostrich.."
The strawberry red eyes girl replied glaring at the man who was carrying her.

"Who are you calling ostrich,you rat!"
The man shouted as the younger stuck out her tongue adding fuel to his anger.


"Enough you two!"
The blonde cut the ravennete earning the attention of the two.

"But she started it first!"
The ravenette reasoned at which the younger replied back.

"If I started then you continued it!"

"How can you call yourself an adult when you're fighting with a innocent kid like me..."
Scarlet mumbled with teary eyes offending the older.


"I said enough!"
The blonde shouted making the two flinch as they became silent and looked at the blonde who was glaring daggers at them.

"So...sister athy have you decided where we will go?"
The little girl asked slowly at which the older nodded.

"Yeah I have.."
A satisfied smile was on the blonde's face.

"Do..where is it?"
The younger ravenette asked.

"To the newly opened tourist place in the have many places combined...a park...and a place that had a art museum which is the main tourist attraction as not all places have it! Even nobles are going there!.....and several shops and restaurants...also there is gonna be a night show there too!"
The blonde chirped which got the kid excited as a glint formed in her strawberry crimson red orbs.

"It sounds fun! I never went to these places!!"
"And it would be more fun with brother Lucas and sister athy!!"
The little girl spread out her arms excitedly as the older ravennete held her in his arms.

"Hmm...I also never went there.... it's not bad.."
Lucas also mumbled as Athanasia pumped her fists up.

"Yay! Then it's decided!"
Both the girls cheered and the man looked at them with a sweet smile.



After arriving at there destination the first thing they did was to sit on bench  while panting because of the log distance they traveled.

"You are tired?"
The older man asked looking at the blonde panting.

"Who won't be tired after walking a really long distance!"
The blonde shouted in the middle of her panting session.

"Well it's not me who asked for traveling alone to the destination.... without using teleportation..."
The ravenette flicked the blonde's head.

"Haa...from do you two get that energy?"
The blonde asked as both the younger who was in his arms and the older ravennete shrugged.

THE SACRIFICIAL BRIDE(Lucathy)Where stories live. Discover now