Prologue (Added)

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This Chapter is going to be a long one but it  state a lot of what will be fixed later on in the story. It serves as a guide to how fucked up the kingdom in my book has been and also the previous life to the main character.


Kingdoms of Old

"Love never dies a natural death..."

Anaisa Nin

Before the gods officially became gods, they were locked in the eternal. The eternal was an empty void that they resided in, a void in which they were the beginning and the end. It was how Ilydia and the many islands around it were made. Over time the gods still got bored and even more lonely, enough for them to create humankind.

For a while they ruled over Ilydia beside their creations. The vast land had many in which they loved and cared for. The gods were king and just beings, protecting humankind at all costs. The gods were even the first to step in when an outside source threatened their people. And the gods themselves were ruthless and vengeful to those who betrayed their trust.

For thousands of years the people of Ilydia worshiped the gods; that of course was before the blight rampaged the land. A nation that was once built upon the trust and love for the gods was now built upon their secrets and lies. Just like any story there must be a story of angering the gods.

Ilydia stopped worshiping the gods like they used to, they burn temples and desecrated the old tombs of the gods' greatest loved ones. And because of that the blight went on for over a hundred years and was referred to as the Great Shade Blight of Ilydia.

The Great Shade Blight...the gods had to punish their people somehow. It was Vedis, God of the underworld, of life and death, he was the one to create devilish creatures, born of ash and flame. Each one of the creatures that crawled from the depths of Vedis' realm were more gruesome than then last. More deadly and cunning than the first, though within the depths of these vile creatures, there stood those of beauty. The beautiful ones were the most cunning of them all.

Because within the depths of the nation, was a set of devilish creatures born of ash and flame. Each one that crawled from the depths of hell was more gruesome than the last. Each more deadly than the one before it.

Some people of Ilydia came to believe these creatures were the gods creations, punishing them for some unknown crime. Others believed the gods purely got bored with them and had created these creatures to wipe them out and start anew. They had all forgotten how they, themselves had angered the gods by not worshiping them.

Regardless of the story, these creatures were named individually before one of the serving kingdoms of Ilydia gave them a name as a whole...the Shade.

At the time, there reigned two kingdoms over the people of Ilydia. The Seraphic kingdom ruled over the west and the Kingdom of Apollyon ruled over the east. The two kingdoms were peaceful with one another, often trading and buying supplies from each other. And when the blight hit, both kingdoms joined the battlefield by each other's side. They fought back the Shade one by one until there were none left to fight. Though it was not without losses.

Apollyon had lost their king, and though they held a successor, he was still very young. For a few years after the war, Seraphic offered their assistance to the young king. And both kingdoms continued to reign peacefully for another two hundred years after, without a problem from what remained of the Shade.

Now Apollyon's king, a young man of twenty-four ruled with an iron fist. He was vastly known as their soldier king for taking the lead in the wipe out of the Shade. He was in fact a Shade himself though managed to seduce his way through the coming and goings of the human Seraphic kings. Though he was Shade he was a good king and, being immortal due to his race, kept him in check of the nation's peace. He was the first to suggest the truce between the two kingdoms and the Shade and the last to sign the treaty. King Viktor was his name, later known as King Viktor the Ruthless when he reigned higher over the years to come. And though he managed to stop the terrorizing Shade, no one knew that he became one himself. That he was born one...

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