Chapter 1: The past & now the present

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A/N: hi guys, this chapter is long so I made the one part shorter. (you'll find out when you start reading). Anyways enjoy!

3rd POV

"Gather around kids, it's story time! " said the gleeful old man as he slid a book from a dusty wooden shelf using his left finger, picking it up.

The tiny children all gathered in the small living room that was cluttered with shelves full of ceramic antiques, books, and trinkets hanging on the wall. They all sat down on the floor with their legs all criss crossed.

They looked up at the old man as he pulled up a wooden chair in his left hand while holding a book in the other. He placed the wooden chair in the center surrounding the children. When he sat down it made a slight creaking noise.

He turned the page reading out loud to the children....

"The Weeping Willow"  by Devon Morell  (short version)

In the deepest depths of the jungle, lived a beautiful maiden that sat next to a willow tree. The tree bestowed a human girl into the beast world and her name was Willow. She was considered the most prettiest and graceful female in the land. She had long silky brunette hair. With fair white skin and deep emerald green eyes.

Everywhere she went, many caught their eyes with admiration. She quickly became popular and respected. Beastmen from all over were captivated by her charm and beauty. Many fought for her love. They began courting her with jewels and gifts, while many other females were envious of her.

She had an enchanting voice that could be heard in many places until it allured three beasts.....

On the first day, she met a jaguar waking up from his nap. "Little female, be my mate and I will give you my strength," he said.

One the second day, she met a leopard running towards the hill at the top. "Female, be my mate and I'll give you my power for I am the king" said the leopard bowing down.

On the third day, the maiden met a wolf that heard her singing. "Be my mate and I will give you my loyalty", the wolf said.

"When the moon is full and the flowers fully bloom, meet me here. Then you will get your answer" she said to all three of them.

From the day on, many beastmen began confessing their love and admiration towards her. Delighted by their praise, she began to worry about the many confessions towards her. She began to weep and weep in distraught. In-


As the old man read the book,  booming stomps can be heard across the room.

"Grandpa, this is stupid!" said the frowning little girl crossing her arms together.

"NO, IT'S NOT!" said Ronny, munching down on his third chocolate bar.

"Why this book again!? WHO PICKED THIS BOOK ANYWAYS!" the little girl, angrily banging her fisted hands on the coffee table.

"Thea, go back and finish your homework"


(7 year old) Theanna POV

"I can't belif it! My grandpa is reading this book again!" I don't like this book, it's so sad. I hate that woman in the book, she is such a cry baby like get over it sis. And who the heck cries by a tree ?! She is stupid." I thought

"Thea, go back and finish your homework"

"NO! You can't make me grandpa!", I said as I stood up racing to the couch. I climbed the tall thick couch like I was rocking climbing on a mountain. Conquering the top, I begin jumping up and down on the fluffy and springy cushions.

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