Chapter 24: I'm a WIZARD?!

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Maxine POV

"Sebastian, welcome back!" the old man said, with a smile on his face. He then looked at me in shock, making his lips pursed.

" You even have a female of your own, congratulations!"

Sebastian nodded, coming towards him and they began chatting away. It felt like it was something important so I let them talk while I waited. Me and Ray watched from behind, intrigued by their conversation.

After a few minutes, something urgent came up making Sebastian and Ray go with the elderly man. Don't know what it was about but before Sebastian left he told me to stay put. Leaving me behind with two unknown beastmen who were considered the elderly man's bodyguards of some sort. The brown haired beastmen were outside patrolling the area for any signs of danger while the other one was inside the house with me.

Right now, I'm cleaning the dusty house with a broom that I found inside one of the rooms. There was so much dust, cobwebs, and dirt around the main room that I may need to do deep cleaning in here. The room didn't have much furniture, only chairs, rugs, and a table.

In the corner of the room, I saw one of the guards leaning on to the wall that was beside the front door, watching me clean. He was not much of a talker when I tried talking to him since his only replies were head nods. To be honest, the beastmen right in front of me looked really good, he was really handsome.

I mean..  Just look at him! He was drop dead handsome! He is my ideal type of a man, it made me drool upon his sight as red blush appeared that made me smile.

I saw his mocha skin glistened under the open window that shined through light while his muscles were strong and powerful. He wore a dark blue skirt and cape that wrapped around stunning his six pack abs were glossy. His tall and lean figure ranges at 6'5 feet tall. On the top right of his chest he had an eagle symbol with three stars around it. Which meant he is a three marked beastmen.

Don't get me started on his black eyes! It looked so dark and mysterious as if I was in space. I could see the sparkles past the black, they were like shiny stars under the night sky. While his majestic purple hair was short and curly. It looked so soft and fluffy it made me want to touch it. To me, he looked like a male lead in one of those anime games I used to play back then.

" Soo- handsome" is what I thought but I didn't realize I said it out loud right in front of him when I saw his shocked face staring at me.

His face turned making me see his side face, closely examining him I saw sudden hints of red forming his cheeks as he tried to block it. I gasped once I realized what just happened.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhh!! So embarrassing!" I thought.

I quickly shielded my eyes with my hands to block his stunning face, when I realized I shouted out my thoughts right at him. My face flustered red to what I embarrassingly said right to him.

"Maxine you idiot! W-why did you say that! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" I thought while tugging my hair in panic that made her eyes shake and body tremble. "Why did you do that! Just why!! Why do I keep thinking lucrative thoughts when staring at hot men?!!"

"Nooooo my life is ruined!! How can I show my face after today?!!"

3rd POV

The atmosphere between the two now became quiet as both were hiding their embarrassed faces to one another. Maxine with her hands cupping her cheeks took a sneaky glance at the beastmen in front of her. Although, they both met each other's eyes making them retract away.

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