Chapter 54: Family problems

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3rd POV

During the war Sebastian, Caius, Rowan and Raymond all traveled around. They helplessly searched for their mate. The feelings of worry and panic arose inside of them to where she had gone. They didn't know where or who might have taken her. All they wanted was Maxine back in their arms.

They remembered last season, the morning before the war started. It was like any other morning. Wake up and get ready for the day. The small murmurs amongst leopard guards talking. While the three jaguar cubs happily ran through the hallway once their father finally opened the bedroom door.

The lively atmosphere inside the palace was full of serenity. They heard the morning birds chirping and the breezy wind running through rustling trees. The most wonderful thing of all was hearing their mate's soft snores in bed. The males knew that waking up in the morning they would instantly smile. Seeing their mate sleeping peacefully.

With Caius leaving to attend his duties as a king. Rowan soaring high in the sky, scouting the city. Raymond and the cubs play while Sebastian cooks breakfast. Nothing could ever ruin the lively atmosphere inside their sweet home.

But until that fateful morning everything completely changed. Alfred the tiger king commenced war. He boldly claimed dominance over the beast city, in wanting to be the one and only ruler. Loud roars of tigers filled the air. A dark shadow that rendered the air once warm now turned cold and dark. It ultimately signaled a tragedy that will soon emerge within the depths.

Sounds of cries and screams were heard when the tiger clan began invading. The once tranquil and harmonious city filled with orcs chattering were gone. Terror and shock were many of the emotions felt when the tiger king not only commenced war. But had an army of feral scorpions and snakes in support.

The many stomps and bloodshed spreaded among the city. With the panic and mayhem going on. The three kings began tirelessly sending out backup guards to fight off the never ending ferals invading. The leopard orcs were immediately evacuated moving out from territory to territory.

It was like a game of chess. When all three kings fought against the evil king who wanted control over the city. Unlike Alfred, he was one king that needed to behead three kings to take over. Though it looked like the tiger king was at a complete disadvantage, he wasn't. With his loyal tiger subjects and feral beastmen he recruited along the way. He was at top, watching as his future city fell into his advantage. He was confident that the beast city would be his.

He will soon be the great beast king while his mate Nancy, will be queen. Both Alfred and Nancy watched as their loyal subjects did all the work demolishing the orcs that blocked their way.

Long hours of fighting took place that day. The beast city that was initially formed by four kings in separate tribes were split. The beast city that once seeked salvation in protecting and defending females was gone. Many orcs were wounded and some dead due to the chaos. All of Maxine's mates were occupied fighting alongside the war. Thinking that Maxine was safe in the leopard castle due to it being heavily guarded. No one could invade it easily.

However, they were wrong.

Due to Alfred the tiger king attacking the leopard territory first. It became the main battle field. Murmurs among orcs broke out. The barriers that secured the leopard castle were broken once Alred came marching with his tiger subjects to claim over the leopard territory. The thick stone wall and leopard guards patrolling were wiped out.

The enemy lines started invading the leopard territory due to it being the strongest. Once conquered they would make their way to the two other territories. Caius, who heard the news from the borders of the leopard territory, began rushing towards the castle. In an effort to save his mate who was there.

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