Chapter 49: Tiger vs. Tree

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3rd POV

When Maxine left, waving goodbye to both of them. She began walking back to meet Rowan. She couldn't help but want to peek her head back to Caius. She saw him and Axel talking with each other in the corner.

Seeing Axel leaning against the wall. As he listened to Caius talking without having to yell at his older brother out of dislike was a good sign. Both feline brothers had their arms crossed with a serious expression on each other's faces.

It made Maxine smile seeing two feline step-brothers have a normal conversation. Even if it was them frowning at each other. Them talking in a fair distance was better than them having to bluntly ignore each other.

She thought maybe just maybe they had some sort of friendly relationship. Even if it was not that close. Starting somewhere can make a difference to both of them. She remembers Axel and Caius' talk about their past to her. They had relatively similar experiences and the lack of communication between Axel and Caius was what they failed to establish with each other. Since they were the only royalty to the past leopard king/queen. For much of their lives they had experienced many hardships due to being royalty. Both brothers grew to misunderstand each other which made it turn to hate.

She was proud to see that they had some way of talking to each other. Even if they were sometimes forced by her to talk in front of each other. Her constant pushes and nagging made it seem like they were starting to gradually get used to each other.

Finally, Maxine has left humming in satisfaction when getting to see them talk without having the need to force them to. She thinks that it may be awkward for them to talk. But at least she was glad that they were not at each other's throats.

From the other side, Axel who was leaning against the stone wall listened to Caius. When they finally felt Maxine's steps getting lighter, now being far away. Axel, who had a "normal" expression, glared at Caius.

" Haven't you noticed what just happened today?! Why the fuck aren't you doing anything about it?!" Axel yelled.

"Axel, this is none of your concern. Stay out of it"

Even if things are awkward between Axel. Caius needed him to stay out of his private affairs. Caius didn't want Axel to cause trouble and make it worse. That was the last thing for him to hear if Axel were to be involved in this. He and the two others have been secretly planning when the tiger king may start a war.

Caius knew last season ago that the tiger king was up to no good. When sending bird spies inside the tiger clan he had heard many sinful things the tiger king did from the reports back. It was better to stay and wait for what the tiger king had planned so that they could attack back. From the theory he heard from the Ape king they couldn't be sure if the tiger king would wage war to control the beast city. If he did commence war to dominate the city this will prove he is a threat and needs to be dethroned.

There was a fifty percent chance he might or might not wage war. Caius didn't want to commence war immediately if it turns out to be false. He knows that Victor the tiger king is a sly and dangerous beast who likes waiting until the very moment to attack. Unfortunately, Victor cannot be dethroned right away as Caius did not have enough evidence to prove his case. There was not enough information to expose Victor to the public.

Caius and the other kings including the wolf king had a plan in mind if it had to come to that.

" WHAT DO YOU MEAN NONE OF MY CONCERN?!" Axel yelled, feeling furious that this serious matter was nothing to him.

How dare Caius tell him that! Axel was just nothing but an outsider to this situation! Axel was furious how he let it go after seeing that bastard tiger king mess with Maxine. She almost got hurt or worse she could have gotten hurt!

Especially, when she was now pregnant with her second litter. Seeing a person who was always on his side be hurt made him furious. If something may happen to her, Axel wouldn't forgive himself.

"I've seen tiger king's plans, I know he is going to do it. And you of all orcs are going to turn a blind eye!? The tiger king is planning to-"

"Shut your mouth! There are ocrs around, don't let rumors spread.." Caius warned.

Caius placed both his hands on Axel's mouth to shut him up. Not letting him say any more words that might be heard inside the castle. Standing in the palace halls was not safe when there were many eyes around. Even when it was his own civilians that were around Caius couldn't trust no one with such a sensitive issue on a war starting.

"Get off!"

Axel pulled his brother's hands off his mouth and stomped away.


Once out of the leopard territory Axel shifted into his tiger form running towards the tiger territory. He ran through the tulip fields to spy on that no good king. Who plans to take control over the beast city. Despite him disliking Caius and the other annoying orcs he hates. Letting the beast city be in ruins by the tiger king Axel won't allow it. More importantly, he had to save the one who was always by his side.

When running through the tulip fields full of abundant plants. A shiver ran down his spine and he turned to the unknown source. Which was a strange tree that had a weird dark black aura around it. The odd noises he had experienced as a kid but with different people sobbing. Out of curiosity he went closer to the tree at the top of the small hill. Once going to the tree he felt the branches frequently sway.

Axel inspected the tree to see what strange thing could be inside the tree. He shaked his head rapidly when the tree kept hypnotizing him. By slapping his face and doing self harm to his body, he was able to escape. Using his claws he curiously slashed the tree trunk.


When his sharp tiger claws dug into the tree trunk he felt a sudden whip under his bum. One moment he was standing on the hill the next he was sent flying in the air. He felt a pain in his butt now landing on the ground, laying down.

"You idiot tree! How dare you!" Axel yelled.

He couldn't believe that this tree out of anyone defeated him in seconds. This tree managed to use its bare branches to spank his bum! He couldn't believe he lost to a tree that tried to hypnotize him.

Instead of going out to spy on the tiger territory today. It seems that he had to take a hold for today. As now this tree in front of him, he had to deal with immediately.

He promised Maxine to not let his anger control him and instead practice some ways to calm down. But right now he had to let it all out on this tree!

With the incident of the tiger king, Caius telling him to fuck off, and this tree smacking him. Axel's patience was out of its limit and now feeling furious. Ready for him to beat this tree to show it who's boss!

There Axel puffed his chest proud charging into battle.

That day an epic battle between a tiger male and a Willow tree had begun! The tree sended it branches whipping this male while Axel was using his claws to rip apart the branches. It was a brutal battle. Since Axel kept getting smacked over and over by the tree. His bum and skin were sore, turning red. But he who was whipped had now defeated the tree.

He made his ultimate move by one single flick. In his finger he snapped and there he casted fire that came out from his finger tip. With one shot aiming towards the tree a raging fire erupted burning the tree down. The branches and trunk fell to the ground completely lifeless. There was nothing but ashes up top of the small hill.

When he walked down, every step he took the ashes he stepped on had followed. It was like that of flowers withering away, seeing the ash trail. In the center of all of this was the champion who won.

His ruby eyes sparkled confidently knowing he beated this tree and is now satisfied with himself. The next step now was to go spy mode.

- ty for reading ❤️❤️

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