🍋 Chapter 40: Feline's trickery

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Maxine POV

Yesterday was a hectic encounter with Willow and her three female friends. Both her and Axel really went at it yesterday. They both kept arguing nonstop and it was like they were chewing each other out like hungry hyenas. It was so intense that me and Rowan both covered our ears when hearing their loud profanities in the air.

Willow and Axel's fighting stopped once she walked away. By the look in Willow's face it seems like she found her new enemy she hated more than me.

I gave Axel a small beating by pinching his tiger ears. I am grateful that he stood up and defended me but provoking the heroine of the story was too much. I worried more that Axel might die or get targeted by her. Willow was after all the main character of the story!

Who knows what could happen!

Right now, I am at the Mellow Bloom palace located on the southern side of the leopard castle. I walked in the spacious hallway all the way to where Caius and Sebby were. Ray and Rowan weren't with me at the moment. Rowan suddenly left without saying a word and Ray left to train so that he could obtain his double mark.

When I freely wandered around Mellow Bloom palace I wasn't really alone in the palace. Last night both Sebby and Caius told me that there will be guards in our home. I myself agreed to that as I am now Caius mate which makes me soon to be leopard queen. But now seeing it they both really made sure it was guarded.

Just how was I supposed to know there was going to be this many?!

Just how was I supposed to know there was going to be this many?!

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(Anime: Toradora)

"What the hell is this?!"

My eyes widened in shock to see the castle heavily guarded with many crowds of guards. There were numerous leopard guards all around. The palace we were living in was on strict alert with many leopards on different levels while bird guards were patrolling the sky. It was like they assigned a whole army to stand guard!

Being the only pregnant woman in the center made me sweat nervously seeing the many eyes. It feels so embarrassing and awkward. There were many leopard guards huddled all over the palace halls.

My small height didn't help with the many male orcs that are normally large and tall.

I quickly paced my walking to where my kitty mates were. Those mates who assign a whole ass army inside. I wanted to dash through the door and make a grand entrance but me being pregnant it restricted me to do so.

Instead, I held my belly bump and walked a little faster by the second to the library I added. Both Caius and Sebby were talking inside there.


From the other side, both feline males were talking across from one another about their future plans. Suddenly, the two dark oak doors from the inside of the library slammed open. It made both the feline males' skin shiver as their tail and kitty ears perk up by the loud swing of the door. They both immediately turned to the source of the noise and right in the center there stood Maxine. Their adorable pregnant mate made an entrance with her arms in the air then back under her belly. They smiled in aw seeing their mate dressed in a pink ruffled dress with flowers in it. She walked to them while holding her baby bump with her hands.

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