Chapter 38: Confessions

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A/N: srry for updating late been busy writing drafts. The next chapter will come in three days! P.S- I'm going to put some pictures in and more text from now on.

3rd POV

How did he come out of nowhere?! Was it a coincidence he just passed by?

"CAIUS?!" Maxine thought a little speechless to see him here out of all the places he could be.

Maxine's face turned bright red when seeing him in the far distance, staring at her. The only thing she thought of in her head was him knowing that he might have heard or worse seen her and Sebastian mating out in the open forest. If so her last bit of dignity left in her will perish as of today.

She embarrassingly covered her face away from him. There beside her was Sebastian who pulled Maxine's face right onto his chest to help soothe his embarrassed wife.

"It's okay, bunny" He soothed.

Sebastian's orange eyes narrowed, sneering at Caius. His stare turned into a smug face showing off. He proudly held his wife around his arms, flaunting his undying love to boast in Caius' face.

Caius may have won in their fight during the swimming contest but that doesn't mean anything! Even though he himself played dirty, the leopard cheated first! Sebastian knows that his wife still loves him more even if she accepts Caius as her other mate. He just knows that he is the favorite despite him being her only husband.

With that being said Sebastian wanted to boast to Caius on how he and his wife's love is incomparable to his! Caius' own feelings could never beat his own! He, Sebastian loved his wife more! He grinned evilly at Caius who was already lowly growling at him with a darkened expression. It was like they were ready to pounce and battle once more.

Sebastian hugged his wife affectionately and then laughed.

"Huh?" Caius thought with a blank expression.

Was it his imagination but it felt like he was seeing things. Imaginary bright light and hearts formed around Sebastian and Maxine when he started giving her trails of kisses. It was so bright he had to slightly turn away. Cauis was getting annoyed seeing the confident jaguar rubbing it in his face. Not one bit did he like it.

Despite him getting annoyed by Sebastian's antics, Caius had a blank expression on his face. He soon growled while secretly gripping his hands into balls of fists to maintain his anger. Colored veins popped out on his arm and forehead. He couldn't help but become jealous at the jaguar who is freely showing affection to her. Deep in his aching heart, he also wanted to feel that once again.

When he was about to confess his love to Maxine on the first day of the great orc event it failed. He tried many times to talk to her. But she would be avoiding him some of the time. He tried sending gifts and emeralds as courtship to her but they were sent back. Despite all of that he still didn't give up. He was determined to win her over even if it meant doing all means to get accepted.

"Maxine" Caius called out.

"Uhhh.. yes " She said, turning her head around to look at him with a confused face.

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