Chapter 21: Tell me everything...

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(Chapter cover: Arch dukes pet)

A/N: Hello stars🌟 I'm am sorry that I didn't update for about 2 weeks or so. I just needed a break been stressed out lately. I will post 4 chapters as an apology for the long wait😭

3rd POV

They all reached home with a passed out Raymond now lying on the fur bed. Sebastian went to fetch clean furs and was back with tons of animal fur on his arms that Maxine requested.

He looked at the unconscious wolf beastmen with envy and hostile eyes, seeing him lay down on their soft bed. Which they had always slept together on was now invaded by a wolf. Out of all beastmen out there he hated wolves more as they were the most annoying to deal with.

He huffed in anger that a mere weakling intruded his den without his permission. But what was more unsettling was that this weakling attracted his female into caring for him. He knew that Maxine never had interest in other beastmen that courted her in the past, but the wolf beastmen in front of her were different. She actually cared for him, well enough to make her shed tears upon seeing him in pain. 

Sebastian walked out of the room angrily seeing this made his heart throb, it was like having to swallow a sharp needle. He clenched his fist making veins pop out of his skin and furiously grind his teeth. He did not like it one bit when seeing them together.

Meanwhile, Maxine sighed in exhaustion when she finished cleaning and healing his bloody wounds on Ray's body. She caressed his face to calm down his small whimpers he let out. "It's alright Ray, I'm here" she softly said, making the wolf stop whimpering.

When Maxine looked away for one minute there she saw Raymond slowly gain consciousness. Raymond found himself lying in an unfamiliar place with a weird cloth around his torso. He cautiously observed every crevice and decor that was in the room. However, fear and anxiety crept up inside him realizing he was inside another beastmen den, more importantly a tera mark beastmen.

The whole room was covered in the jaguars scent, mostly the bed he was laying on. Raymond quivered knowing that he might get killed today for intruding his territory. But, that was not until he sniffed another scent that was nearby, it was faint but it smelled familiar. The scent made him feel warm and comforting like drinking hot milk around the fireplace.

There he saw her white curly hair right in front of him. She looked like she was in deep thought not noticing his presence, her head was facing towards the hard stone ground. Raymond's eyes widened seeing her again but his head ached a little suddenly remembering her face during his recent incident. He felt very grateful to Maxine for saving his life when he needed it  and glad that he went to the right person.

"Umm- " Raymond confusedly said, trying to gain her attention by lightly pulling on her thin blue skirt that was a part of her dress.

He tried calling her several times but failed to do so just because of his lack of social skills. Never once has he ever called for anyone's attention. Most of the time he waits until they notice.

Despite the many times he called for her, all of his methods were futile. She didn't seem to notice his awkward calls. Instead, he slowly made his way out of the bed but that was instantly stopped. Once a small hand landed on his wrist.

" Don't move! You're still injured just rest for now, please Ray" Maxine anxiously said, stopping him by pushing him back down.

She pouted when he ignored her words, making her use one trick she had up her sleeve.

With both of her hands, she laid her tilted head on top of them then looked Raymond in the eyes. Just like puppy eyes, it started to dilate making them sparkle a little.

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