Chapter 39: Sweet promises

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(Chapter cover: Pinterest/studio ghibli)

Maxine POV

"What! Really?! Ray, that's incredible!" I yelled in shock and then squealed in delight.

When Ray told me that he was going to participate in today's event. I was thrilled! Most of the time I try encouraging him to participate but instead he would always decline. Brushing off my suggestion like it was dust. He would have stayed glued by my side. But now he is joining without me asking! Which leaves me to believe that was one small step in finding Ray a perfect mate.

"Don't worry Ray I will find you your perfect mate!" I thought confidently, clutching my hands determined.

During the previous events me, Ray and sometimes Axel who come along would watch in the sidelines. We all would observe my husband Sebby who usually entered out of fun. Both of them were opposed to joining the event's. Axel would straight up complain about it while Ray would shake his head against it whenever I suggested it.

Sometimes if I'm lucky I would encounter the shy Rowen who I would talk to whenever Axel and Ray started fighting. Fighting for what you may ask? Well fighting for what they loved eating chocolate. Both Ray and Axel were chocolate lovers, they would eat anything containing chocolate.

Right now, it was already the third week of the great orc event. I am at the Fullhein forest where the iconic hunting event took place. This is where the original storyline was supposed to begin. Being a character that was supposed to die at the start made all the future plot and characters change. As of now everything including the male leads and heroine's original paths were on a different road.

I can't help but worry about the villain in the original story since the plot changed. What will happen to him now? The two characters I had to be wary of were Willow and the hidden villain.

I couldn't help but wonder who he was? Why was he really the villain?

As per usual I watched Ray and Axel in the distance. They brawl with each other about chocolate sweets once again. I saw Ray's angry yet teary face when fighting Axel, whose face was covered in melted chocolate. He was upset with Axel as he ate his chocolate sweets once again, leaving none for him.

They ran and bump heads, giving a glare at each other as they rolled around in the grass. I was behind them, laying my back behind a tree. I waited for Sebby and Caius to return from their urgent meeting from the tiger king.

In a sudden mist of time, I felt a heavy breeze of wind gushing on my face that made my white hair flutter in the wind. I narrowed my eyes at the top but the bright sun blurred my vision. There at the top I saw a shadowy figure coming down in the sky.

For a second I thought that was some kind of angel when I saw feathery wings behind the glimmery yellow sky. Instead, it was actually Rowan who swooned down landing on the ground next to me.

Rowen shaked off his wings. In seconds a dark purple aura similar to that of mist made his feathery purple wings behind his back disappear in an instant. He then turned to look at me with his stunning black eyes.

"Wow!" I murmured, my pink eyes shimmered like stars when seeing him in front of me.

That was the only thing that could come out of my mouth. Seeing his dark purple hair and black eyes made my face turn red, soon feeling bashful. I turned around in the opposite direction, facing away from him when I realized that my cheeks were bright red. He was just too handsome especially when he was right in front of me all close up, face to face!

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