ADD-ON 10.1 : A snake in my boot!

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Maxine POV

This morning, I was savoring the delicious breakfast Sebby had prepared for me. It was a simple food he made: bacon and eggs with rice.

I'd overslept after staying up late the previous night, eagerly trying to fix one of my favorite sandals. It had broken while climbing a tree to get some dangling fruits, snapping the laces in the process. Though I can sew, repairing sandals or any type of footwear was different entirely! It was much harder than it looked. Every time I tied the broken lace, it would untie itself again or, worse, one of the laces would break off! 

To be honest, I didn't know how to tie much. I am not no pro at tying ropes, only know how to tie shoes. The good old classic bunny tie on shoes.

Luckily, when I woke up, Sebby had come to my rescue once again. He had completely removed the lace and replaced it with a stronger fur, securing it into my sandals.

"Sebby, thank you!" I exclaimed, hugging him tightly and holding up my new, pretty sandals.

The sandals were not only fixed but Sebby managed to clean the dirt and dust off the sole making it look new and clean! 

Sebastian smiled and said, "Try not to run or climb tall trees like yesterday. You'll break something more than your sandals again, maybe your legs, and that's something I can't fix." His tone was a bit threatening, but his smile softened the words.

I rebuked, "I can climb perfectly well, just like you, Sebby! Did you see me climbing yesterday? I was good!" I puffed out my chest proudly.

Sebastian raised a brow, trying to hold back his laughter. "Pfft, yeah, you were a great climber, bunny. You sure climbed that tree from the start with me holding you up."

I pouted and pinched Sebastian's cheek, but he caught my wrists, stopping my pinches. "Don't be mad, bunny. I'm sure you could have done it on your own. I'm just worried about you." he said, wiping away his tears of laughter.

I couldn't help but smile at his concern, even though he was teasing me. "I know you do, Sebby. And I appreciate it. Next time, let me try on my own"

Sebastian nodded, still chuckling. "Alright, but only if you promise to be careful."


At noon, Sebby and I were set to meet up with Lezon. It was his one day off from work as a healer, and we decided to enjoy a relaxing picnic together on the riverbank.

Sebby and I prepared our lunch, packing various foods into the bag I had stored. As we were about to set off, I opened the front door, wearing a nice sundress and my freshly cleaned sandals. My smile quickly turned into a frown. The sight of the muddy ground instantly made me realize it had rained the night before. Stepping out in my new sandals was out of the question.

"What's wrong, bunny? Why are you just standing there?" Sebastian asked from behind me. I turned to see him with our duffel bag slung over his shoulder, filled with the food stored in my magic inventory.

I sighed and slumped my shoulders. "The ground is dirty. I don't want to get my sandals dirty. Besides, you just fixed and cleaned them today."

Sebastian's orange eyes flickered between me and the muddy ground. "I see," he said thoughtfully before walking off to the bedroom.

"Where are you going?" I called after him, but he was already out of sight. Moments later, he returned, holding something in his hands.

"This is for you," he said, smiling. "I made these for you but was planning to give them to you another day. I guess now is the time."

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