🍋 Chapter 27: My expertise

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(Chapter cover: Pintrest/user: Just a creative junkie)

Maxine POV

I woke up the next morning feeling sore all over my body but I felt more satisfied. I opened my eyes tired and looked around the room in a haze.

I saw a very naked Sebastian just next to me. He is still sleeping soundly under the covers with his body turned sleeping on his stomach. He faced me with his head on top of his crossed arms. I felt his fuzzy tail tangling around my thigh as it tightly wrapped around me.

A smile appeared on my lips as I observed his sleeping face. The more I look at him, the more handsome he really is.

A sudden brush of wind fluttered through the window that made everything in the room flutter. I brushed back some of his brown hair that was on his face and caressed the deep scar in his cheek. I always wonder how he got it. As I was tangling his hair my hand slipped down all the way to his lips. They were so soft and tender I wanted to ravish them in an instant!

My face came closer to his sleeping face to kiss him but to my surprise he opened his eyes. Revealing his orange eyes to me. His lips kissed my fingers gently, I tried to brush them off of his lips but he playfully bit my fingers inside of his mouth. He began licking and nibbling them individually like it was a lollipop.

After some time, Sebastian finally stopped. But to my annoyance I saw his lips curve into a familiar expression whenever he was confident of something.

"Good morning~" Sebastian said in a deep groggy voice. He yawned before sitting up while brushing against his back hair.

"Morning" I responded back.

Sebastian suddenly pulled me closer to him and wrapped his hands around my waist. He placed me right on top of his lap and began wrapping his arms around me in a tight embrace.

"Bunny, how do you feel? Are you hurting anywhere?" He asked me to caress my back gently before pecking warm kisses all over my bare body. I giggled when I saw him look at me with so much adoration just by the many sparkles that lit his eyes.

"I feel tired and sore all over but in a good way, last night was great" I said, wrapping my arms around his neck, looking at each other. He immediately moved his face forward to mine, our lips made their way to each other.

I felt his wet tongue inside mine but there was also something else inside. It was an emerald knowing how hard it was as it suddenly melted in my tongue.

After it melted away, Sebastian plunged deeper inside as his kiss became deeper and more domineering. A moan escaped my lips that made him let out a growl right after. His grip became tighter, clinging to me as the intensity of the kiss grew.

The kiss seemed to go on for what felt like forever but at some point both of us pulled back. We were breathing heavily for air, our lips were now pink and puffy.

"Have you seen my mark" Sebastian said

" No, I haven't seen it yet"

" It's right there," Sebastian pointed right in front of my right chest, tracing it. The mark was orange that had the head of a jaguar printed on my skin similar to a tattoo. He snickered revealing a gleeful smile on his face that made his tail flicker. It made me smile just by seeing how happy he was.

"You can use my mark for strength whenever you are in danger. But never in a million seasons will that happen! I'll rip apart any bastard of a male who tries to lay a single finger if they try" Sebastian swore. Was it my imagination but did I see his face darken when saying that. A nervous sweat ran down my forehead hoping that he might be joking.

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