Add-on 59.1 : A side to Reha

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Maxine POV

At noon, Rowan, Reha, and I headed to the market together. The rest of our family was busy at home, back at the leopard palace. Sebastian and Axel were feuding over Mabel, with Sebastian jealous that his own daughter had chosen Axel over him.

Just days ago, Mabel got along well with her father and older brothers. Most likely Sebby and the kids thought she saw them as family with how happy she was around them. But it seemed her kind and cheerful nature had shifted her attention, as she was a happy baby all the time. I had told all three of them: Sebby, Caius, and Rowan, that it would take time for the cubs to recognize them as their real fathers. Since the war, the cubs had naturally seen Axel as the father since he was there every day from birth.

Not only was there an argument over Mabel with Axel and Sebby, but the three jaguar cubs also joined in the fight. They sided with Sebby, all vying for their little sister's attention. Meanwhile, Caius was with his two sons somewhere in the palace with Raymond. Usually, Ray would come along, but this time he stayed with Caius in the palace. 

I guessed it was because the leopard cubs had finally stopped hiding from him and the rest of my mates, gaining enough confidence around new people, which might have made Ray want to spend more time with them.

Anyways back at the market-

Rowan and I held hands, with Reha in Rowan's arms. We entered the bustling market. Most orcs around us gave way, and there were obvious stares, but I ignored them. It was hard to believe that last year was so crazy. The orcs here were in shock, as if I had returned from the dead after my long absence following the war. Many residents here were from the Leopard tribe, so they instatnly recognized me as the leopard queen.

It wasn't until I heard Reha say, "Banana," to Rowan that our shopping took an interesting turn. My unease from the staring eyes melted away as I focused on my daughter and Rowan.

"Banana?" I thought, knowing she had already eaten one this morning.

Rowan cooed to her in a soft tone, "You want yellow crescent fruit?"

"She already ate one this morning," I said, but Rowan, ever the doting father, insisted on finding a banana for her. With his smile and the way he hugged Reha, it looked like he was going to get more than one banana for her—a whole cluster, in fact.

I sighed as Rowan's persistence showed just how much Reha had him wrapped around her little finger with some of the recent words she learned.

I held Reha while Rowan went to a stall crowded with males buying exotic fruits. I looked around, seeing other fruit stalls, but Rowan seemed determined to get the bananas from that particular one.

Reha and I watched as Rowan got squished in the crowd. I found a nearby wooden bench and sat down, holding Reha in my lap. Her hair was messy from the wind. I retied it into a side ponytail with her strawberry ties.

As we waited, Reha babbled various words, making me giggle. Her little antics, from bouncing up and down to calling out "mama," kept me entertained. Her purple hair brushed against my skin as she laid her head down to relax.

After a few minutes, Rowan emerged with a bunch of bananas. I couldn't help but laugh at his disheveled hair. He came forward, holding out the bananas, and pulled one out for Reha.

Reha looked at the banana and shook her head with an uninterested face. "I done," she said, pushing it away with her tiny hands.

Rowan, shocked, tried again, but Reha declined once more. "I done," she repeated, then shook her head and said, "Noo!" to her father.

"Reha, your dad bought it for you," I scolded gently.

Reha looked up at me but shook her head again. "I done!" she said louder.

Rowan, holding the cluster of bananas, sulked. His efforts seemed wasted.

I reassured him, "It's alright, maybe she just doesn't want to eat it now. It's just how babies are. They can't make up their minds. Mabel is the same way."

Rowan sighed, accepting defeat. He ate the banana himself, not wanting to waste it, and I joined him, taking a bite.

"Let me hold her," he asked.

"Alright," I said, handing Reha over to him.

Rowan held Reha in his arms and gave her a kiss on the forehead. But Reha started to throw a tantrum, wanting to be let down, especially when we began walking towards the market exit after getting what we came for. She saw butterflies fluttering around and went down.

In a nearby field, Rowan gently set her down. Reha began to try walking, her chubby legs taking one step at a time with Rowan holding her arms up for support.

Reha's pink eyes sparkled with excitement as she looked at the butterflies and then at me. I watched, my heart swelling with pride and joy at her efforts. Even though Rowan was helping her walk it was a big step for her.

After a few minutes of walking, Reha grew tired. We made our way back home. Rowan held the cluster of bananas in his hands while I carried Reha, who had her head resting on my shoulder, slowly falling asleep, calm and still.

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