Chapter 59: Battle between favoritism

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Maxine POV

After the long year of war the beast city is now truly at peace. There was no hatred, killing, or battles anymore. The beast city was filled with serenity. There were still beastmen fighting in battling for courtship but that was normal.

When time progressed all my five mates got along with each other pretty well. Sometimes Sebby would play tricks on the rest of my mates. Which made them pretty irritated causing small fights to begin at home.

From yesterday morning, I remember when I was sitting down at the table with my mates and cubs. As all of us ate breakfast. All my four youngest cubs were on a baby stool stuffing their mouths with food I prepared.

They ate light food that had bananas, scrambled eggs, and  chicken on their plate. While the rest of us all ate bacon, bread, eggs, pork and sausages.

Breakfast in the morning with my family was lively and peaceful. The adorable giggles from my cubs and chattering from my mates made me feel happy. Seeing everyone gathered in one place to talk and eat. Lezon and the Ape king were also present, eating but they mainly talked with their two granddaughters.

Their morning visit was mainly to see Mabel and Reha who they heard through Sebby and Rowan bragging about their daughters.

Ultimately, when breakfast ended, something bitter was said that I missed. I was distracted, trying to prevent Sage from smearing mashed potatoes on Mabel's face. Both Charlie and Mabel cried out, and I focused my attention on them instead of the other voices.

I didn't know what was discussed, but the snarls on my friends' faces said it all. They had a small brawl among themselves in the garden. Their growls and sharp glares at each other were evident. I let them be, thinking it was nothing more than a competition between males.

Seeing them brawl with each other was not serious. It looked like they were playing around and practicing with each other. Caius and Rowan were the first to stop as they ran over to me and the cubs. Caius took his two sons Charlie and Luca to catch easy prey like mice around the garden. While Axel was teaching the jaguar cubs about mushrooms. While Rowan carried Mabel and Reha around the garden looking at the pretty flowers.

By the time it was noon, oh how the real battle between my mates started. I realized that that battle was not out of fun. It was a battle to see who was the favorite!

All of my mates fought really competitively. With their determined faces and puffed up chest. I knew they would be on me twenty four seven...

At noon, they were all over the place! Their endless kisses on my cheeks and lips would not stop. I was suffocated by their loving affection. It was torture, every night I'd mate with not one but all five of them the once. All of them ganged up taking me on. The series of their growls and erotic activities in bed was tiring. My body was deprived of energy every night.

In the day time, every second they were right by me and if not they were out hunting like savages in the deep forest or spending time with the cubs. They killed every prey they saw including colossals out for emeralds. It continued for a couple of days.

My bedroom that used to be clean and spacious was filled with so many gifts reaching all the way up to the ceiling. Due to the many prey they hunted they exchanged it for money. They spent that money on items in the market. Buying half of the stalls present in the market, which was shocking.

When they force me to choose between all five of them. It will only end up with an even bigger battle. I kept my mouth shut not wanting to answer because I had no favorite. All five of my five mates were my favorite. I could never choose one over the other. It pains me to do that. My mates were all unique in different ways.

Female orcs choosing which males can be the head and favorite was bogus! Screw that I would never do that. A male that in chosen to be head male has more power and favor over the other males since the female

"Who is your favorite? Choose!" All of my five mates said.

I was now standing in the center as my mates that were around me waited for my answer. I appreciate their efforts for the past couple of days. They spoiled me a lot with gifts and their affection. Seeing them wait for something serious is the only way to solve it. It was the only way so none of them would get hurt.

" I choose no one"

All of them grumbled. Soon after some of them frowned crossed their arms while the others pouted.

What why?!" Ray yelled.

"Then choose who will be the head male! *cough* pick me.." Axel said, pretending to cough  at the last part.

They growled at Axel's comment, disagreeing. But surprisingly, they repeatedly began begging and using their persuading skills to make me choose them. Some growled hearing their begs as they didn't agree.

I stood there in the center hearing growls filled with dispute. I was about to call it off and walk away but that was when I heard Caius yell.


The once room that was filled with spontaneous voices and yelling in the air stopped. Once Caius roared in the air that made all my five mates voices silent. They turned their attention to him and some frowned waiting for what he was about to say.

"Stop fighting! It is our mate's choice on who gets to choose! Don't butt in! I-"

"Thank you Ca-" I was about to thank him and speak to announce my thoughts.

Caius sneakily coughed as he silently whispered to me. " I- *Cough* Just saying I would make a great head male since I'm *Cough* a king"

His obvious whispers and coughs only stood out more. The other males growled and let out death glares to Caius who earlier told them to shut up.

Soon after Raymond exposed Caius' out loud for everyone orc to hear.

All my five mates began fighting and wrestling with each other. I huffed in a sigh and began the walk out of the room to go check up on my sleeping cubs.

"Bunny, Wait!" Sebby said.

"My love, who are you choosing to be the head male!" Caius yelled.

They waited but Axel interrupted yelling out loud. Puffing his chest in confidence as he waited for me to say his name. Knowing that if I said his name he would rub it to everyone's face especially Caius and Sebby.

"Ha- I'll be the head male!"

"Dream on! I am older than you. I should be the head male!" Caius argued.

"Grrr! SHUT UP!" Axel yelled back.

Both Axel and Caius growled at each other. They buttheads with their faces close as they glared trying to intimidate each other. They both weren't scared and only were feeling bitter.

"NO ONE! There will be no head male because I'm the boss around here. Bye!" I said then quickly left before they had any objections to say. Since I myself didn't want to hear their begging and persuading any longer!

The only thing I could do was let them brawl with each other for a way to calm all of them down.  

"Wait! Don't leave me here" All five males said synchronously but then argued once more to who I should not leave.

-ty for reading

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