Chapter 60: Wish upon a star (End)

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(Chapter cover: nonna is landlord +18)

A/N: If you are reading this thank you so much for the support! This is the final chapter of "My Shining Star". 🎉🎉


When I went to check on my four youngest cubs, who were fast asleep, I found my three jaguar cubs cuddled up with them. It was a heartwarming sight to see all my babies sleeping so peacefully.

Once they woke up, I carried the basket containing my four cubs.

Together, all my cubs and I headed to the back of the palace into the garden. It was already dark, so I carried a lantern filled with fireflies to light our way.

My jaguar cubs yawned, still feeling a bit sleepy as they followed behind me. Occasionally, they stumbled a bit due to their tired, blinking eyes. When we reached the garden, I found all five of my mates waiting for us.

Axel and Sebby had brought food and blankets on their backs, while I handed the basket with the cubs to Caius. We all gathered in the garden because today was a special day.

It was the arrival of the moon jellies, which occurred once every hundred seasons. Rowan had informed me about it, and it was about to happen at the nearby lake. My family and I decided to have a picnic while enjoying the sight of the moon jellies.

These creatures were transparent and radiated a bright glow in the nighttime. They only revealed their luminescence when there was no visible light. They appear once the three moons had fully risen in the sky.

As we set out, I held onto my basket of cubs while riding on Caius. Rowan led the way in his eagle form, guiding us to the lake. My jaguar cubs were in their beastkin forms, riding on top of Ray. It was a swift and chilly night.


After a few minutes, we all reached the lake. There was no one else in sight, and Rowan, Sebby, and Axel checked the area around the forest with no sign of any orcs. So, we began setting up the picnic by the lake.

My four cubs, who had been napping in the basket, woke up. Mabel was the first to stir, raising her head and looking around in confusion. Rowan chuckled and pinched her cheek, to which she responded with an "eh?" of bewilderment.

Axel picked up Mabel from Rowan's arms and he planted a kiss on Mabel's forehead.

One by one, the rest of the young cubs, who were in the basket, woke up. They had a confused expression on their faces. They came out of the basket, crawling to one of their fathers that were nearby. 

"Mommy, look! The jelly!" Sean exclaimed, his little finger pointing at the lake.

All of us turned our attention to the previously dark lake, now illuminated. We witnessed the brilliant and translucent moon jellies gracefully moving through the water. They glided slowly, propelled by their bell-shaped bodies that pulsed rhythmically. These creatures seemed to swim majestically, casting a radiant glow from their transparent forms.

The lake became filled with numerous moon jellies, each adding to the stunning display of vibrant colors illuminating the dark night sky.

"Wow, jelly! It glow!" Sam marveled, his face lighting up with astonishment.

Sage, right beside Rowan, joined in the excitement, jumping up and down with a beaming face, mirroring his brother's enthusiasm.

We moved closer, settling by the edge of the lake. The glowing spectacle was undoubtedly due to the moon jellies. We watched them drift and twirl for several minutes.

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