The Weeping Willow (FULL VERSION)

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♡♡ Hey guys, this is the full version of "The Weeping Willow" storybook. Just to clarify, I was going to put the full version in Ch1 but  it felt too long, so I made it shorter. In my story, it was written by Thea's  late grandfather named Devon Morell. Who was a famous author that made millions of books. ♡♡

The pic at the top is a Willow tree, found this pic in google. It is a painting made by Masuka Nourin

"The Weeping Willow"  by Devon Morell

  In the deepest depths of the jungle, lived a beautiful maiden that sat next to a willow tree. The tree bestowed a human girl into the beast world. Her name was Willow, named after the tree. She was considered the most prettiest and graceful female in the land. She had long silky brunette hair that fluttered in the gusting wind as leaves soared through the air. She had milky white skin that glistened under the radiant sun, while the reflections of her deep green eyes were as luscious as the fertile jungle.

Everywhere she went, many caught their eyes with admiration. The maiden quickly became popular and respected across the land. Beastmen from all over were captivated by her charm and beauty. Many dueled each other for her love and attention. They began courting her with piles of jewels and gifts, while many other females were envious of her.

She had an enchanting voice, every time she sang her voice was as pure and sweet as an angel. Her singing can be heard in many places, as it spreads across the land. Until it allured three beasts. They were the most ruthless and feared among all beasts and creatures living.

On the first day, the maiden was about to sit down next to the willow tree. Behind the tree was a jaguar just waking up from his afternoon nap. All groggy from his sleep, he turned around and saw the most prettiest thing he had seen so far. They looked at each other face to face. The jaguar kneeled down before her.

"Little female, be my mate and I will give you my strength" He said, placing a kiss on the maiden's back hand.

On the second day, when the maiden was sitting next to the willow tree. She saw a leopard from afar, coming closer and closer to her. Running towards the hill at the top where the willow tree was. The leopard bowed down, transforming into a beastman. He had curly orange hair that lengthens to his broad shoulders. His warm beige skin complimented his strong and robust body. He looked up, still bowing down to meet her eyes.

"Female, be my mate and I'll give you my power for I am a king",  said the leopard.

On the third day, the maiden was singing a song that made the birds chirp and worms wiggle . Her song was so euphonious it made nearby animals stop and listen. A gigantic wolf emerged out of the shadows to listen to the melodic song. When he heard her singing it relieved his empty heart, making his heart thump a beat. When he ran towards the voice, his heart was beating faster. He looked at the maiden and kneeled down to her.

"Please be my mate and I will give you my loyalty", the wolf said.

"When the moon is full and the flowers fully bloom, meet me here. Then you will get your answer" she said to all three of them.

From the day on, many beastmen began confessing their love and admiration towards her. The maiden smiled delightfully at them with joy and bliss, taking their gifts happily but deep down she began to worry.

In distraught she didn't know what to do about the many confessions she received as well as gifts given by her suitors. She didn't want to cause them pain or suffering from rejecting them. She began to weep and weep while sitting under the willow tree.

But one day, she had an idea, "If I sing them songs all day long, they will be happy and forget about their love for me" she said.

From that day on she began to sing all around the land to make men happy. Her singing can be heard in many places around the land. It made many beastmen feel in bliss like they were in cloud nine. Many beastmen returned the favor by giving her many gifts as a thanks for her lovely signing.

When the moon was full and flowers blossomed in the night sky, there stood three mighty beasts bowing down upon the maiden.

"I'm sorry but, I'm not worthy of your love", said the maiden as tears dripped down her delicate skin.

Stunned, the three mighty beastmen refused. They swore to follow and protect her to the end.

As the day continued, the maiden would sing sweet songs that many beastmen heard. She not only became well known throughout the land by her beauty. But also, her gain in immense strength and power from her suitors.

Until he came along, the moment she looked at him, the maiden's heart struck a beat inside of her. She fell in love with him the moment they met. She did everything she could to make him hers, whether it was power, money, or people he wanted. She would give it to him just to make him hers.

Out of nowhere, a raging fire erupted from the solid ground. It was a massive tiger that stormed through the land. Everywhere he went flowers would wither away, leaving a scent of death in the air. He was searching for something to satisfy his needs. The moment he saw the maiden, he had to have her. Though his plans failed, instantly killed by the maiden mate.

A massive celebration was commenced to praise his heroic feat of killing the tyrant. In the sun set, the maiden and her mate left everything behind and to start their new life together.

They lived happily ever after...

Thank you for reading!  :3



The Willow tree bestows a girl named Willow, who is depicted as the most beautiful and kind maiden in the story. Early on, Willow encounters three beastmenjaguar, leopard, and wolf—all confessing their love for her, triggering a cascade of similar confessions from other interested beastmen. Despite the attention, Willow, driven by her kindness, refuses to let them fight over her and uses her singing to restore peace.

As the story unfolds, Willow, still single, falls in love with another male. Let's call this new male her "true love". Who, Willow loved wanting to give him everything so she can be with him.

Her popularity among males attracts the attention of a tyrant who kidnaps her, ultimately leading to his demise, kidnapping her.  Throughout her ordeal, the three rejected beastmen (jaguar, leopard, and wolf) remain steadfast in their support. The tyrant locked Willow up, forcing her to be mates but got killed in the end.

In the end, a joyous celebration follows the tyrant's defeat, and Willow's true love is credited with the victory of killing the tryant. Willow and her true love decide to leave everything behind and start a new life together. By everything I mean leaving EVERYTHING behind.

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