🍋 Chapter 50: A king's love

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(Pinterest/manga: Author to my destiny OR Married the male lead)

3rd POV

In the leopard placed on the third floor were a bunch of orcs inside a tall vast room. There were leopards and eagles all around, securely guarding the building. All guards made sure there were no spies lurking around. Not even a single flying bug can intrude as it was a serious matter.

Inside that room an urgent meeting had begun. The atmosphere inside was nothing but serious. Beastmen who stood up like soldiers around the orcs who sat down the long wooden table bowed their heads. They bowed down to their superiors. The room was filled with many orcs standing and sitting.

The orcs sitting in the center were that of high status within the beast city. Only the most skilled and powerful had a seat. The two kings, William the Ape king and Caius the leopard king were seated in the very center.

Sebastian and Rowan who were present sat next to Caius listening to another boring lecture from William. Which to them, wasn't even a part of their schedule as the blabbering ape William was once again talking about his whole life and accomplishments.

"When will this end.... I want to go home!" Sebastian thought.

Sebastian banged his head repeatedly on the wooden table wanting the Ape king's big mouth to just shut up. While Rowan had a blank expression watching his master talking nonstop. Just like how Sebastian banged his head. Rowan dared not to say or do anything that might cause trouble to the meeting.

In Rowan's head, the only thing he thought of when seeing the moving mouth of William was when it would end? He thought that this meeting Caius held was just to discuss the plans stopping Alfred the tiger king from dominating the city. Who knew it was now a show and tell once he saw his master now presenting a blasting golden bracelet on his hands. Showing off to everyone by how expensive it was.

Sebastian who was next to them banged his head even more. Causing his forehead to have a red bruise. Even if he tried to intervene during William's show and tell. William himself would only glare at Sebastian then throw something at him, shushing him to be quiet and listen. To the stories Sebastian himself heard over a million times!

Caius, Sebastian and Rowan were the only ones in the room that were bored out of their minds. Knowing that William is such a chatterbox when it comes to meetings held. Especially ones with many beastmen attending. All of them heard his stories many times before. All of them were over this meeting and wanted this to be done. The beastmen that were standing around them were listening to William in interest, most never hearing it before.

" Yea- My brother Lezon is great and all. But I am the most gifted. Let me tell you why! When we were cubs I-"

When William was babbling on. Caius who beside him hastily stood up and slammed his hands on the table making a loud noise. Everyone looked his way and that even made William stop talking to look.

"Okay! That ends our discussion. Let's move onto the other strategy" Caius yelled out.

"Finally!" Sebastian cheered out, finally made him stop banging his head and looked up.

As of now every orc present in that meeting all knew about the upcoming war against the tiger king. Orcs who sat in the center all knew this last season. It was evident that Alfred the tiger king conspired to rule the beast city due to his awful schemes that were revealed. The imprisonment of females, forced mating, theft and unlawful torture to the weak were one of the many crimes. They know that war will soon come into fruition and they hope to stop it.

Due to a war coming soon the three kings decided to not announce it to the public as it will cause nothing but panic to their people. All three kings pretended to not know of the tiger king's rebellion and acted normal when around him. It was better to wait and observe Alfred from afar than fighting without knowing what he planned ahead.

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