Chapter 13: Run Maxi RUN!

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(Chapter cover: Jenny Yu)

3rd POV

After Maxine left Ray's house, her legs started to shake nervously as if she was scared that something was going to happen. When Lezon's serious face came into mind, her legs dashed in the wind. Now knowing that she had to get back to Lezon house before Sebastian does!

"OH GOD! He is going to come soon!" Maxine internally screamed.

She would be dead if Sebastian caught her sneaking out alone. She wouldn't want Lezon to take fault. It was her who went against Sebastian, not Lezon. So if she gets caught she plans to take all the blame. Maxine bets that if she got caught she thought that he wouldn't let her out of the house again since he frequently keeps her indoors.

"RUN FASTER GOD DAMMIT!" She grunted as her legs ran like her life depended on it. She passed many wolves in the village and there in the distance she saw it. It was Lezon home just around the block.

"PLEASE, don't be here pleasee!" She internally prayed while running.

When Maxine got closer to Lezon house two wolf beastmen came in front of her blocking her view. She quickly stopped when she almost ran into them. She looked into their eyes confused then observed them quickly. The two wolf beastmen both had light brown hair. One had black eyes while the other had purple eyes. Both their bodies were tall and slender.

Maxine stopped confused what's happening but didn't think much of it as time was running out. The only thing in her mind right now is to get to Lezon house before Sebastian. She couldn't get caught or else she would be in so much trouble!

"I'm sorry but I'm pretty busy right now" Maxine politely said waving her hands then walking around them.

"But female! We-" One of the wolf beastmen said.

She was about to pass them but Maxine felt a hand gripping her left wrist. She turned around and saw the black eyed wolf nervously clutching on to her. He looked at her flustered with a red face all over then his mouth started to move.

"Female, please accept this gift as our generosity!" The beastman embarrassedly yelled forcing Maxine to take a pile of colorful flowers in her hand.

There were many different sizes of flowers, leaves, and vines, that were arranged in random places. The plants were tightly tied using plant fibers and were wrapped in a light blue fur.

" The gift isn't much but this is what we could get" The black eyed man said while scratching his head in nervousness.

" We don't have marks but please consider our gift" said other beastmen, who sadly looked down on the ground.

Maxine stood there in confusion as to why these beastmen were giving her a gift. She hasn't met them before nor done anything to them. With their gift in her hands. They stood still with their ears drooping and eyes beaming as they patiently waited for her response.

The only thing she thought of was the word "Huh?!"

Maxine watched their expressions as she looked back and forth between them and the gift that was in her hands. Confusedly thinking about what's happening.

A sudden realization came to her as she started to connect the gift and their puppy faces together. They were courting her for a chance to be her mates.

" I'm sorry but no thank you. I'm not taking any males right now," Maxine said, declining their generous offer.

She pushed the flower bouquet right into the black eyed beastmen's hands as he was the closest. Not wanting to accept their gift she shakes her head left and right and crosses her hands in an X when he tries to return it to her.

" It's alright, female, we will wait!" the purple eyed beastmen replied, his chest started to puff up showing his confidence.

" Female, take your time but please accept our gift, we spent so much time on it. It would be useless to us if you don't want it" The black eyed beastmen said, holding the gift towards her chest reluctantly offering it to her.

Maxine sighed, having no choice but to accept their gift as it would just get thrown away and their efforts would be wasted. She carefully took the bouquet from the beastmen.

"Thank you for the generous gift," She said, smiling fondly at the flowers as she held the bouquet with both hands. She held the bouquet towards her face smelling the lovely fragrance that emitted.

The two wolf beastmen both bowed down when she waved to them goodbye. They left with a joyful expression all over their face making their tail rapidly wag.

After some time....

"NO, NO, PLEASE DON'T BE HERE, PLEASEEEE!" Maxine internally screamed while holding a big bouquet in her hands rushing to Lezon's house before he did. She gasped in relief when there was only one house to go.

" I'VE MADE IT!" Maxine yelled while huffing for air.

The door slammed open nearly making Lezon flinch by the sudden noise. He nervously turned around to see Maxine out of breath with sweat dripping down her cheek. He stood up and hastily guided her to a nearby chair, worried that she might pass out at any moment.

" Why did you run all the way here?! Don't you know it's dangerous for a female to do that!" Lezon asked. He watched Maxine huffing out of breath, worried for her health he went to work quickly making medicine that would help her.

" Little one, hang in there, medicine will be on the way!" Lezon said, holding a bunch of ingredients in his arms as he made his way to the lit up a pot that was filled with water outside.

Maxine who sat down the wooden chair panting for air, cautiously looked around the house making sure "he" wasn't here. After thoroughly checking the area, a big smile formed as it sparked delight in her. She couldn't believe that she made it before Sebastian did!

" Yessss, I made it! " She said, leaving the bouquet she stood up from the chair, lifting both her hands in the air as she did her little victory dance.

(Anime: dress up my darling)

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(Anime: dress up my darling)

" Made what?" The voice said behind her. That's when her soul left her body.

- Thank for reading! ❤️❤️❤️🥰

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