Chapter 18: Fuming rage

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(Cover chapter: Nioskei/anime)

Maxine POV

" Okay sooo.. I've heard in television that if I walk in a zigzag pattern it will cause an illusion, tricking one's mind aka my master escape plan" Maxine thought

" Here I g-"

When I took the first step in the other direction. I felt a large hand that crept up on my wrist then on to the side of my waist. I instantly got pulled right into the tight crowd of beastmen. I was about to scream but was blocked by the large hand, my waist was tightly wrapped around by the large hand while the other covered my mouth.

I turned my head above and was shocked to see it was Sebastian who looked down at me. I froze like a stone once I saw him.

 I froze like a stone once I saw him

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(Anime: Dress up my darling)

"H-hi Sebby.." I nervously said, as drips of sweat slid down my cheeks.

Sebastian in return menacingly smiled back at me. I backed away from him ever so slightly, just to keep distance in case. But he didn't let that happen once he wrapped his large hands around my waist. He held me tightly in his grasp to keep me from escaping.

I don't know what happened but I could have swore I saw him emit a dark aura around him. It made me sweat even more as I was afraid that I might feel his wrath as of today.

His face got close to mine making me more afraid than before. But to my surprise, he lightly pecked my cheek making me blush red by the sudden action.

"Ehhhhh!?" I thought, utterly surprised. Sebastian vigorously pecked light kisses on my face.

I tried to block his face with my hands but he brushed it off. Sebastian used his mouth to playfully bite my fingers off his face. He smirked after I had given up, continuing his doting attacks as he pecked my cheeks with his warm lips.

The playful ambience between us soon became intimate, as we both stopped staring at each other's eyes. I felt a rising feeling rush up causing me to be aroused by the warm feeling inside.

I carelessly wrap my arms around his neck causing our faces to move closer to one another. His grip on my waist tightened, he heedlessly connected our lips together, in a slow yet intense moment.

" Sebastian-" someone loudly called out, making me turn away. I stopped and quickly hid my face embarrassed by what just happened.

There I saw Lara, the blonde haired female who walked towards us making the crowd split apart to get to him. Sebastian, who stood there, undoubtedly still looked at me. It was like his eyes were glued, not moving his sight away. I quickly turned my head to shake off the fuzzy feelings inside, though I could still feel his stares.

In the corner of my eye I saw a glimpse of his teasing expression. I don't know what happened but my face turned really red. I was all flustered by his smutty look he made.

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