Chapter 25: It's all coming back to me now

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(Chapter cover: Under the oak tree/Manga)

A/N: Remember that quote from chapter 11? well it came to haunt her.

3rd POV

It was a clear sunny day. The sunlight radiated through the window while trees swayed back and forth from the breezy wind. Birds began chirping melodious tunes but they soon stopped when they heard a loud blaring noise. That caused them to fly away, irritated that they were interrupted.

Zooming through the source of the sound. At the top of the hill was a house and inside was a girl. She just woke up causing her to quickly stand in bed with her eyes widened.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHhhhh!!" Maxine screamed, waking her up from her dreams.

She panted for air and felt like it was getting difficult to breathe. A reddish hue formed on her face making her heavily blush due to her dirty mind that occurred during her sleep. It caused her to squeeze the cotton blanket she was under with such strength it began tearing a small hole through.

" NO! IT CAN'T BE TRUE?!" She thought in panic when thinking of her dream. She rubbed her hair with both hands. It soon made her hair messy, turning into a bird's nest.

Maxine screamed out loud, making her retreat back in bed. She indulges herself on the fluffy cushions. She began hiding her head away from the light and everything else.

"No, no, nooo. Curse my dirty brain! Why do I have such thoughts?!! It reached all the way to my dreams!" Maxine thought, as it made her punch the pillows nearby in order to soothe her sexual frustrations.

Just as Maxine was about to go ham on the pillow almost turning it into a WWE fight. The door slammed open making her flinch by the sudden noise. She turned her head to the source and saw Sebastian.

" Bunny? What's happened!"

Sebastian came rushing to my side with a worried expectation on his face.

Before Maxine could say anything she saw him examining her body. He slid off the cotton blanket that covered her other half. Maxine blushed when he completely pulled the blanket off of her,exposing her bare bottoms. The only thing she had on was a large fur top that revealed her pink panties.

"Huh? Uh- nothing I'm fine" She said, but it was too late.

Maxine saw his eyes pop open, deeply staring at her disheveled clothing. Her eyes trailed to him, searching where he looked near her crotch.

" H-he's staring at my panties! KKKYYYYYYYYAAA!" Maxine instantly covered her hands to her face and closed her legs tightly. She tried to hide herself away by covering herself with the blanket. But only to be pinned down by him!

" Are you sure~" Sebastian woefully asked with a smug smile across his face.

"Are you really sureee~"

His pride shot through the roof due to the bashful reaction he had seen. It made him feel satisfied from seeing her messy face once again.

" I-it was nothing! I just had a bad dream" Maxine stuttered out to him, regardless of what she said it only made his face more cocker than before.

She started to see blinding sparkles that emitted around him, it was so blinding that she had to look away from the light.

"Maxine~ Maxi~ Did you have a bad dream?" He teasingly began calling her over to gain her attention.

However, Maxine's ears tinted red as she tried her hardest to look away but couldn't. His deep, amorous voice was too alluring for her! 

"What the!?"

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