🍋 Chapter 15: Fuzzy feelings

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(Chapter cover: anime/Nioskei)

A/N: Readers beware.. this chapter is labeled "lemon"which mean there is smut content. You have been warned!🫵⚠️⚠️

3rd POV

They arrived home just before sunset. Sebastian started to prepare dinner while Maxine took a bath. He hummed wondering what to cook for today's meal while he rummaged through the cellular room, looking at the various food collected.

"Hmmm... I wonder what my bunny would like? Maybe Deer? Wait, no she ate deer this morning... Chicken?..." He ponders in thought as he looks through the wide selection of meats available. But that not until he heard her calls

Unexpectedly, Sebastian's ears popped opened when he heard her calls coming from the living room upstairs. " Sebastiannnn! " Maxine called out as her voice echoed through the whole house.

" Over here! I'm down in the cellar" Sebastian yelled back, loud footsteps clattered as Maxine made her way down to the cellular. The wooden door creaked as she pushed it open.

" Whatcha doing?" Maxine curiously asked, approaching the puzzled Sebastian still thinking about what to cook. 

"Thinking about what to cook...ah- how about some chicken" He asked, pointing to the chicken meat that was cured with salt. She trailed her head to the direction he was pointing to but frowned, puffing her cheeks.

"But I already ate so much chicken all last week, this morning and lunch"

Sebastian's brow raised "Wasn't it deer you ate during the morning?"

" No, I clearly ate chicken this morning, not deer"

"Besides, don't you remember when you brought back a deer some wild wolves ran off with it. Then, you had to chase it down in your jaguar form, around the forest like you were playing ring around the rosy with it. You growled at it while chasing it from behind, when you caught up to it you guys ended up crashing on to a tree making the deer fly in the air over a hill onto the ground. More gigantic wolves came and you fighted for sometime, but the next thing I knew was you guys were playing tug of war with the deer."

"Hmmm.. fighting wolves during the morning"

Sebastian scratches his head and begins to mumble under his breath as he ponders what happened this morning.

"Ah- I remember now!"

"Those stinking animals took off when the deer split in half! Making me take the other half" Sebastian said as a growl came within him still agitated that he lost to a bunch of stinking wolves.

"Wait a minute.... How did you know all of that?!"

He was baffled, making his eyes widen and ears perk up.

Maxine shyly pouted, making her rub her neck in embarrassment. "Uh- I-i kinda followed you when you chased those wolves...." she quickly said, making her sweat nervously.

Sebastian forcefully facepalms his head, ashamed that she has seen him lose to a bunch of stinking wolves. He covered his eyes, embarrassed to face Maxine in the eyes. Most of all, he was more ashamed that he didn't notice her during his fight this morning.

"If I hadn't noticed her she could have been lost, or even worse she could have been hurted by those wolves". He thought, clutching his fist as veins popped out of his hand. His sharp nails pierced through his skin, shedding out blood.

" H-hey don't do that! You'll hurt yourself!" Maxine said, holding his fisted hand into her softs hand. It made Sebastian release his hard grip leaving red blood marks on his palm.

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