Chapter 8: Dance fail

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3rd POV

" Okay fine, you can come," Sebastian sighed in defeat.

" Thank you Sebby! "

Maxine jumped happily up and down in the air, smiling joyfully. At first, she thought that he was going to deny her but was thrilled that he didn't. She was glad that she got to go outside, it was better than staying at home and waiting. As they were about to go she pulled out an item inside her basket.

" Here, you can have this "

Maxine pulled out a metal dagger that was inside her basket handing it right to him. Confused about what she handed to him, he examined it thoroughly knowing it was similar to his bone knife but in better quality. The handle was made with some sort of ore that had fancy carvings, wrapped in a black leather fur.

Sebastian pulled off the black scabbard revealing the sharp enticing blade. It was smooth and shiny that mirrored his reflection. The blade was thin yet excruciating with a light touch to the edge, it made his finger bleed. He was astonished by how the thin blade can cut through his skin with a single touch. Nothing could compare to this as it was ten times better than the past bone knives he owned.

" Thank you"

He smiled in delight, staring at his new knife. He loved his gift that Maxine gave him, it was better than any knives he had seen. Sebastian felt fortunate for Maxine's kindness and generosity. She was willing to share and give him gifts, truly making her one of a kind. Not many females give or share things with males or to their mates, since most are pampered by them.

Maxine hopped into Sebastian bach departing for their expedition. He ran swiftly in his jaguar form passing heavy thick leaves and vines. Everything was indistinct in Maxine's eyes. It was going to fast like a blur of colors as Sebastian dashed through. She held the basket in front of her tightly as it was getting bumpy.

They settled down near a huge oak tree that was around fifty feet tall, that surrounded other smaller trees. Sebastian transformed back to his beast form and quickly put on his fur skirt that was handed to him by Maxine. He grabbed her bridal style and leaped high, landing in between the thick branches of the oak tree.

"Stay here while I'm away, scream if there's danger"

Sebastian gently releases Maxine from his grasp, plopping her down on the branch. She nods in agreement.

" I'll be right back" he replied, jumping back down to the ground transforming back into his jaguar form setting off to hunt.

He glances back to Maxine before departing into the thick forest.

Maxine watched Sebastian runoff through the forest while she waited for his return. She didn't know what's more terrifying, that she was really high up or that there could be bugs nearby! By bugs she meant those weird flying green bugs!

Maxine looked down and saw the steep distance between her and the ground. She shivers in fear just the thought of trying to go down. She would definitely fall on the way down. By fall she meant fall to death!

Knowing that she had to wait for Sebastian to return. Maxine pulled out items that were in her basket. It had a pocket radio, sketch book with a pencil, and Sebastian fur skirt left behind. She started drawing the trees and mountains afar, outlining every detail. She drew while listening to music that was playing on the radio beside her.

In Maxine's previous life Drawing used to be a hobby. She was very good at it and made a lot of money out of that hobby during her teenage years. But she stopped once her life started to go down. You know, shitty job, bills, and other stacked up problems she had yet to solve.

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