Chapter 56: Truth behind a suspicious tiger

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3rd POV

It had been two weeks since the beheading of Alfred. Rowan, who delivered the head to the Ape king, came back in search of Maxine.

When the males were getting information out of Alfred it was useless as he didn't cough up any hints. It was like he didn't know about Maxine's kidnapping. Sebastian, Rowan, Caius and Raymond swore that it was him who abducted their mate. The only information they got after beating him up was that it was a tiger beastmen. Which was stupid coming from him as Alfred had tiger males by his side in support.

They all thought who was the tiger beastmen that abducted their precious mate?

Was the tiger a traitor just like Alfred? Is he a feral? Did someone command their mate's kidnap? The men were unsure regarding her whereabouts.

Who knows? The forest was vast and there were plenty of places to hide. Every corner and nook they had to search thoroughly, not missing any hidden detail. With the long days passing by as they tirelessly look for their mate.

The males hunted and ate animals, not bothering to cook it. Just like how they and the cubs ate during the start of the war. They ate beasts raw and left no crumbs behind. They would open the belly to drag out all the organs at once. Eating the liver, kidney and heart as they were nutritious when trying to regain stamina back.

Due to the long traveling and hunting, the males were finding it increasingly difficult. They did not feel their spousal marks anywhere. Holding blind faith, feeling worried about how Maxine was doing. There wasn't a single clue to where she had gone. Only that the culprit was a tiger beastmen.

A series of low sighs, growls and hisses erupted. Tensions were high as their patience was rapidly declining. They all took a break, panting from all the running. The atmosphere between them was dead quiet as they thought long and hard.

Raymond who sat on a fallen log stood up. "I'm going to the river," he said before leaving.

When making his way to the river. Raymond saw a herd of buffalo gathered around the river. The river extended upstream to the beast city. He licks his lips thinking that eating buffalo today will fill them up for days.

When Raymond began planning his attack, he retreated. Once seeing Axel come the other direction also having the same objective as him. Out of curiosity Raymond decided to observe Axel feeling suspicious about him. Knowing that the culprit is a tiger beastmen and Axel is a tiger beastmen.

Raymond knew that even though Axel was Maxine's close friend. It was not likely he would kidnap her just from how well they get along. Raymond thought that it would be good to check Axel just to see if he is innocent.

Minutes passed and when Axel took down a buffalo. Raymond followed him far behind so Axel doesn't detect his presence. Raymond thought that his spying skills were excellent since Axel didn't notice him.

However, it was too good to be true once Raymond accidentally stepped on a twig. It alerted Axel, making him loudly roar. Raymond felt the moving ground as many beasts in the forest ran out of fear. He held his breath and didn't dare to move since Axel was a mark above him. Axel would easily find a two mark beastmen like Raymond.

Raymond huffed in a sigh when Axel finally continued walking. Following him but lost track of him once he saw nothing but a rock wall.

"What the fuck?! Where is he?!  "

He touched the rock wall for a couple of minutes before turning his head up. A loud "OHHH-" was shouted when he realized that Axel must've climbed up.

Of course, Raymond totally knew that from the beginning. He was just making sure the rock wall wasn't sus. The tall steep mountain might be where his den was. Being the spy he is. Raymond wanted to go and check for himself.

However, there was just one problem.....

Wolves can't climb.

"DAMMIT!" He cursed out loud as he had to go back and tell the others.

By the time he got the others. Caius and Sebastian started climbing while Rowan beat them to it, soaring up to check for Axel's cave. The three males thought that Raymond spying on Axel was foolish as he is only meddling with Axel's personal life. Thinking that it is a waste of time to investigate him.

Even if they did not like Axel one bit, he was Maxine's close friend. They believed it was too good to be true for Axel to do such things. Axel and Maxine had close bonds, maybe a little too close... Thinking that their mate might have a liking for him.

"Uh- I'll just stay here!" Raymond shouted being the only orc left behind.

He sat down with his head staring at the mountains and quietly waited for the results. But that's until he was yanked in the air by Rowan.

-Ty for reading ❤️

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