Chapter 44: Gardening 101

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(Chapter cover: youtube/user: Ourworld)

Maxine POV

I remember during my pregnancy waking up was the hardest thing of the day. Waking up early or late leads to the same outcome to one of many emotions. Either waking up feeling lazy, angry, or worse bitchy.

From my past life, I remember how my aunt repeatedly talked about her pregnancy when she had my cousin Ronny. Who was two years older than me. My aunt would blabber it mostly to my grandma when visiting. Back then I thought her talk about pregnancy was interesting at first. Hearing what she described it to be and felt during her time was that of a "rollercoaster" she quoted. Being the youngster I am after hearing her blabbering multiple times it got repetitive and I was irritated hearing it over and over again.

But now, oh have the tables have turned...

From what my aunt described her pregnancy to be was the same thing I felt. I regret not listening to her talk since now I am experiencing what she has been through. It would have been nice for my mind to remember a single damn thing she said! Since I forgot most things about now.

I thought that pregnancy was a pretty easy thing to get by. But oh how I was proven wrong! Pregnancy has really taken a toll to my daily life both mentally and physically. In the mornings I always wished my sleep would never come to an end. So that I would remain bundled up in my fluffy bed without having earfuls of Sebastian's nags telling me to wake up again. When my belly grew bigger by the months it got harder to move and that above else made me not want to wake up in the mornings.

After four long months I finally gave birth to my bundles of joy. Change is change and I am now a morning person because of my cute jaguar cubs! Who would always come running with their small furry feet to my bedroom. I would giggle whenever seeing their little feet and body jump to get up on top of the bed.

After giving birth to my jaguar cubs in winter I spent most of my time inside with my mates and cubs. We would all bundle up inside a warm blanket next to a lighten up fireplace. Me and Ray would occasionally bake delicious desserts during the span of winter.

Sometimes Axel visits at random times during winter and being the good friend I would give him fresh hot food. So that he won't starve in such cold times. Axel was like a wandering cat venturing out. He would always come and go whenever meeting him. I tried to make him stay to warm up inside the castle but he instead went out.

I was his friend for about at least a year now. I knew things about him like how he loves chocolate and how he still hates celery in his soup. His deep hatred of Caius and raw stone fruit (potatoes) I knew long before gradually changed less and less. Though he still dislikes Caius and raw stone fruit.

From the fall banquet when seeing Willow that was the first and last time I saw her. None of my males ever told me what happened to her even when I asked about it. My males and even Axel who wasn't even there knew more than me! Axel kept his loud mouth shut whenever I tried integrating him for answers.

What I could guess is that she was banned from the leopard territory. Since Willow was not a part of the leopard clan or doesn't have feline mates, she couldn't be sold off because she was still a part of the ape clan.

" Sage! Over here. Come to mommy " I gleefully yelled in the distance.

Right now it has already passed winter and now it is spring. The green leaves and lush plants roamed the ground again. My three cubs that were small like a loaf of bread now were five months old. They have grown big and round but still smaller than other cubs.

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