Chapter 14: A way 2 hide a lie

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(Chapter cover: anime/dress up my darling)

3rd POV

" Made what?" The voice said behind her. That's when her soul left her body...

Maxine's body stood stiff like she saw a ghost. She internally screamed, panicking when she felt two large hands. They gently weighed her upper body as it nestled on her shoulders. She could feel his sharp chin brushing her head as it laid on top of her head.

She turned around slowly but steadily praying that it wasn't him. But...


(Anime: Noragami)

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(Anime: Noragami)

There in front of her was the one and only Sebastian, who gently smiled at her. With her Pikachu expression, Maxine cheerfully greeted him back. Not raising any suspicions she asked him many stacked up questions about his day. He chuckled profoundly by her quirky remarks.

She gently wiped her nonexistent sweat on her head as she was in the clear. He didn't suspect or question her about anything.

"My day was okay but-"

Maxine looked up at Sebastian waiting for his response but he looked the other way not wanting to answer the rest.

Instead, he moved his head towards the crooks of her neck. Laying down his head on her left neck as he tangles his arms around her waist, tightly embracing her warmth.

"I missed you~ I missed your smile, I missed your laugh.. everything~ "He quietly mumbled under his breath making it harder to hear. His voice was quiet as a mouse that Maxine couldn't hear a word he said.

" What? speak up I can't hear you" Maxine said, but was ignored after

With his head now touching her neck, Sebastian sniffed out her lovely fragrance in between her neck, inhaling her sweet body scent that emitted out of her. He groaned, making his tail sway back and forth in deep bliss.

" You smell really good~ did you take a bath earlier? " Sebastian seductively said.

Maxine could feel his soft hair rubbing against her cheeks. His hair smelt like warm roasted hazelnuts. When he breathed in and out, she could feel his hot breath blowing on her delicate skin.

Her hands trailed on to his soft brown hair, combing every hair strand as it split into thinner strands. This made Sebastian feel calm and lively. While combing his hair, Maxine slowly tilts her head up to his kitty ears. "But what, Sebastian?" she sweetly whispered in his ear.

"Please tell mee~"  Maxine shyly said, faints of red formed around her flushed cheeks.

They looked at each other for some time, Sebastian's eyes were wide open processing what just happened. The way her eyes gently looked at him shyly and her red supple lips made him crave for her even more.

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