🍋 Chapter 37: A kitty's prize

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(Chapter cover: Sultan's love/manga)

🛑 Beware this chapter is label lemon so it will have smut themes (+18) in it. 🛑

Maxine POV

" Maxine, everything is prepared. Let's eat!"

"Oooh! Thanks Ray" I said. I held the wooden lunch box in my hands and opened the lid.

There it revealed the delectable food that had rice, mixed veggies, and honey chicken slather with sweet sauce. All that I cooked earlier today.

My cheeks flustered when I saw Ray's warm smile towards me.


I couldn't help but pinch his cheeks a little. Just the way his lips curved and his dimples showed was too adorable!

Right now, me and Ray are sitting under the tree eating our lunches and right across the beachy distance from us was the vast ocean. It is the second week of the great orc event. Last week's event was a gathering competition and today's event was a swimming challenge.

Me and Ray both watched in the distance at the hordes of beastmen scattered around the beach shoreline. There were a few groups of females together talking while some watched the contestants.

We closely observed the many orcs scattered around the sunny beach from afar while eating our lunches. Somewhere around the center of the shoreline I closely watched a certain brown haired beastmen. There revealed my own hubby standing among many participants for the swimming challenge.

When me and Ray came to the hunting event Sebastian joined us just after he sent Axel off somewhere. I wasn't surprised he took part in today's swimming competition. Back when we used to live near the wolf tribe me and Sebby would always visit the lake. Just from him being a jaguar beastmen, he loved swimming and playing in water. Most feline beastmen like tigers, leopards, and lions are fond of water. Unlike canines, wolves are not fond of water and some would avoid it.

Though nonetheless both me and Ray came to cheer him on. I hoped for him to win, he was an excellent swimmer. Actually, I knew Sebastian would win! He can beat all these beastmen here in swimming. There were so many different kinds of beastmen competing in this competition. I was not sure if some of them could swim in water when I saw some nervous faces around.

By the time we were done eating I saw some beastmen going towards my way but they ultimately gave up halfway. I calmed down the angry Ray in his wolf form who was on guard growling at random males coming. I felt tense emotions coming off of Ray just seeing his tail and skin tense up. His wolf stood beside me like that of an actual guard. His eyes wandered around and observed every crevice.

"Woah calm down Ray. If you keep doing that you're back will be sore in that posture" I nagged at him.

I patted his tense hairs that stood up to calm him down. He huffed bitterly before turning his head away.

I pouted when he bluntly ignored me even when he used his tail to tickle my tummy. I tried taking my revenge but it ultimately failed once he turned back into his beastmen form.

"Rude!" I said to him

He now sat naked beside me as he laid his head on my thighs. I placed a blanket that I summoned to cover him up. Mostly to hide his naked ass away from the public.

I petted the adorable puppy who laid his head on my thigh to use as a pillow. Ray was just too cute! I got to touch his soft ruffled black hair. I thought I was seeing it wrong but I wasn't. I really saw his tail happily swish up and down while he made small happy whimpers.

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