🍋 Chapter 58: The tiger inside me

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*Warning! This chapter has smut in it! Throughout the chapter it has smut.

Maxine POV

While all my young cubs were playing outside, with Rowan watching over them, I went back to the bedroom where Sebastian had been resting for an entire week. When we returned home, I found him unconscious on the floor. His old wounds he had gotten from war had opened up again.

I went to the bedroom where Sebastian was. Caius went to a meeting, and Ray went out to hunt. When I was about to open my bedroom door, I met Lezon, who opened it first.

"Little one." Lezon called.

"How is he?"

I turned to where he pointed and saw Sebastian still lying in the bed. His eyes were peacefully closed. His chest was rising up and down slowly with each breath.

"I stitched up the scars that opened again. He's doing well now and surprisingly he woke up shortly after. Currently, he's resting," Lezon said in a hushed voice.

"Did you give him the emeralds I provided to help him heal faster?" I asked Lezon, and he let out a sigh, scratching the back of his head.

"Little one, you know how he is. When I offered him the emeralds, he refused. I even had to open his mouth to make him eat them! That punk is really stubborn. He didn't want to take any emeralds I offered. I think it would be best if you gave these to him," Lezon said as he handed the pouch back to me.

"When you were away during the war, he isolated himself. It was as if he had become a different orc. He was a mess, constantly fighting in battle again and again. Even when he was seriously hurt, it seemed like he was trying to end the war by putting himself in danger. Given all the injuries he got from the war, it would be best if he accepted some help." Lezon said.

I nodded, and then Lezon left to attend to his other clients. I waved goodbye before he departed.

I gently opened the doors to my bedroom, and as I entered, I saw Sebastian's head turned toward me.

"Sebby, how are you feeling?" I gently whispered as I shook him a little. Seeing him his drowsy eyes blinked a couple of times before he slowly opened his eyes.

"Bunny?" He said in a weak hoarse voice.

I helped him sit up on the bed and brought a cup of water that was on top of the bed drawer to his lips. I rubbed his back soothing him while he slowly drank water.

"Are you in pain? Is there anything that is hurting you? Did you want something to eat? " I asked him multiple stack up questions while patting his back. Seeing his wake up after being unconscious for a week made me worry.

" Bunny, I'm not sick or injured. It's just a scar. " Was all he said to me.

"It makes no difference, your scars are open and you need to heal." 

I frowned, not believing him. I took a cloth and wiped his damp forehead all the way down his neck. His entire body was drenched in sweat. I opened all the windows to let in the cool air. He had a blanket covering his lower body. I removed it to prevent him from sweating too much.

"Why didn't you eat all the soup? Do you not like it? I can make another meal if you want"

The half-eaten soup I prepared for Sebastian this morning. After his long week of sleep, he woke up in the morning. Making warm soup is a good choice for his recovery after waking up. The soup I cooked was light but filling, enough to satisfy his hunger. It contained soft pasta, milk, shredded chicken, mushrooms, carrots, and a few herbs. When I served it to him earlier in the morning, I made sure it was warm and easy for him to digest.

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