Chapter 2: Maxine who?!

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(Chapter cover: pintrest/ user" Khoi Coc Chi Lan")

The only thing I remember we're hearing the voices and flashes as I slowly close my eyes...

"Huh? Where am I?"

"Why the hell is it god damn bright?" I squint my eyes around, there I see nothing but the blue sky and clouds everywhere.

As I got used to the bright light, I fully opened my eyes and there in front of me stood a massive golden gate like REALLY MASSIVE! It was five times the size of the Eiffel tower! Are those gates really made out of gold? They must be rich.

"Wait a minute.... something's not right" I thought

"clouds, a blue sky, and a massive gate...?"


That's when I realized where I am...

"OH SHIT! AM I REALLY IN HEAVEN?! DID I REALLY DIE ?!" I screamed loudly, feeling stunned.

"What the actual FUCK! IM FUCKING DEAD! I DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW I DIED?!" I said walking back and forth panicking around in a circle, while tugging my hair tightly.

I felt like I was having a midlife crisis right now and even though I'm dead..

As I was panicking and cursing to myself out of nowhere the golden gate opened. Slowly but steadily I heard a god damn harp playing somewhere by someone. I looked around trying to find who was playing it but no one was there.

When the gate was fully opened a very bright light flashed below...

"AH- WHAT THE FUCK!? GOD, ARE YOU TRYING TO BLIND ME?!" I covered my eyes away from the light.

"Wow, Theanna you really out done yourself, you almost got fired which could have made you homeless but you got homeless from spending all your money on wine, just cause. Then died, not knowing how you died! And now you're gonna be blind... wow way too go Theanna way to go.." I sarcastically thought

When the light disappeared, I turned my head up to the top of the many stairs, to see the prettiest angel standing there.. no wait GODDESS, she must be some type of god! She emits some type of aura by her expression...

The goddess had white silky hair that was like spider webs tied in a low messy bun, smooth fair skin and dark black eyes like the night sky. She was wearing a silky Greek dress that was unexpectedly black with sparkly jewels, it was like the night sky with stars shining brightly. Her gown was off shoulder with fluffy laces of chiffon over her, exposing her bare back. The black silky gown flowed down onto the ground, hiding her feet.

The goddess stood there with a frosty expression on her face as she looked down to me.

"Huh? why did she look at me like that?" I said all confused tilting my head.

I entered passing the gate going closer near the steps of stairs.

"Excuse me, I beg you please let me live again, I know I am pretty shitty and my life too but please I need my life back. I'll do anything." I said pleading with both knees folded

But there was no reply.. she just stood there looking at me with a blank expression. It must be a no... but good thing I got a plan B, I always have a back up plan.

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